Okay, I had to say this, ... for me?, ... I was a 'church goer' early in life ... not a bad deal either ... lots of people helping others ... BUT, as I progressed in my alcoholism, I drifted farther from my friends and family and I started isolating myself because alcohol wanted me to be alone ... that gave the alcohol more 'power' over me ... as I descended into the depths of addiction, no-one and I mean 'no-one' wanted to be near me ... no way, no how ...
AA welcomed me simply because they were/are made up of the same type people I had become, they understood me when no-one else could, or even dared to try ... ... ... AA is where I belong, it's the only way for me now ... people helping people ... what a great concept ... a whole lot like what Dr. Bob called the 'Good Book' (Bible) teaches ... it was truly a miracle in my life and I have seen it in others ...
Thank God
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hi Pappy, what you said is the truth. Speaking of truth, the truth is that people around me put their hand out to me all throughout my life, but because I was so self-centered I wasn't available to them -- unless I thought I had a use for them. Thanks for your response. Blessings, Mike D.