Been very busy here in Lizard Land Florida,with new baby coming in a couple weeks for my 24 yr old daughter.Her sister, Jaelyn Amyiah (poppys angel) is anxiously awaiting to share her toys and hold her new sisters hand. Haven't been posting but stop by everyday to welcome any newcomers aboard. And as always ,Just For Today ,I continue in the Solution,with God's grace and mercy and am truly humbled by a blessed life that was lifted from the muck and mire of active addiction into the process of daily recovery achieved by remaining in that fit spiritual condition to the best of my ability. If you are new here,or just coming back ,the message is HOPE and the promise of freedom, not a magic bullet, but attained through daily work and grace of a Power greater than you and the application of the program in all areas of your life...Be blessed and seek a LIFE greater than you have ever known and then... GIVE IT AWAY, to others....C ya on the rebound!! I'm not NSA, but I am watching.....
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.