Trusting our partner has a lot to do with trusting ourselves. When we feel confused, unsure, or in conflict about our own direction. We may shift our attention outside ourselves. Even when we feel unsure about our self-worth, our negative feeling may crystallize as blame directed toward someone else.
Looking outward in that negative way and avoiding responsibility for ourselves makes liars of us. When we do that we are not paying attention to our own growth, not looking at the truth. If we do not claim ownership of our part in a conflict, we will not be able to trust our partner either. We build trust when we are honest with ourselves and expose our truth and vulnerability to our mate.
Tell your partner something you trust about her or him.
Hunger serves us well. Physical hunger prompts us to eat the food we need to promote and maintain health. Emotional hunger sends us in search of companionship, intimacy, and love. Our hunger for achievement fuels our contribution to the work of the world. And our spiritual hunger leads us to a Power greater than ourselves. Peace, unity, goodwill all of these and more, we hunger for.
If we find ourselves trying to satisfy our hunger in ways that don't work, it's time to reassess and make changes. That's what we do when we come to the Twelve Step program, admitting that our false satisfactions have gotten out of hand and are threatening destruction.
The satisfaction of our various hungers is within reach. Much of what we crave we will find within ourselves as we develop a relationship with a Higher Power.
I will explore my hunger today, so that it may lead me to what satisfies.