With few exceptions our members find that they have tapped an unsuspected inner resource which they presently identify with their own conception of a Power greater than themselves. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, pp. 569-70
From my first days in A.A., as I struggled for sobriety, I found hope in these words from our founders. I often pondered the phrase: "they have tapped an unsuspected inner resource." How, I asked myself, can I find the Power within myself, since I am so powerless? In time, as the founders promised, it came to me: I have always had the choice between goodness and evil, between unselfishness and selfishness, between serenity and fear. That Power greater than myself is an original gift that I did not recognize until I achieved daily sobriety through living A.A.'s Twelve Steps.
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
unsuspected inner resource which theypresently identify with their own conception of aPower greater than themselves."they have tapped an unsuspectedinner resource." I have alwayshad the choice between goodness and evil, betweenunselfishness and selfishness, between serenity andfear. That Power greater than myself is an originalgift that I did not recognize until I achieved dailysobriety through living A.A.'s Twelve Steps.
WOW, doll , this is awsome...and also how i dcided that there IS a power higher than me....i had to look within...to tap into my INNER higher power...that part of creator that is in ME....i guess in my b4 recovery days, when i hated me was so critical and shut off from me, it was impossible to tap into any WITHIN higher power becuz i couldn't even stand to be associated with me...AS i learn to love me/ accept me/ be comfortable being IN me, i am finding my higher power.....AND i had to get "straight" first......thank you, this is AWSOME!!!! hugs/ rosie