Life gives us so much time to collect bizarre thoughts and feelings. - -Claire Weekes
As we go through life, we run into all kinds of negative messages: teasing on the school bus, insulting nicknames, and other put-downs. Pretty soon we may discover that some of these messages stick in our minds, repeating themselves over and over like broken records. These messages can make us feel bad about ourselves. But when we hear one of these tapes playing inside us, we have the power to push the STOP button. Then we can record a new message. We can even say it out loud, so that our voice settles emphatically into our thoughts. We can't make others stop saying these things, but we can stop listening to them. They only have power over us when we give it to them. We have the ability and freedom to let negative thoughts float by us, like water going downstream.
What positive message can I send to myself?
Good Morning! Have you ever put you hands over your ears and said, "I'm not listening!!!" and made some loud annoying sound to drown out whatever it was the other person was sending your way??? That's what I am doing to the negative messages today while saying, "Go away! I'm not listening! You have no power over me! Just keep on floating by... see ya!"
Hope your day is filled with positive messages and the negative just keeps on floating by!
Thanks ZuZu, the program of recovery has helped me to sort through those tapes and figure out which statments are true about me, that goes for the positive as well as the negative.Had a phone conversation with my 19 year old last night, had to sift through his statements , decide what was true and let the rest go.That's how I keep my serenity.
Thank you Gammy. Your comment re: "positive (thoughts) as well as the negative, is definately something to be very mindful of. Thank you for that reminder.
And Phil, you are so right on... most of these messages do come from the inside. I need to do some serious house-keeping! Anybody have a bulldozer?
hey ZU, you know what i do?? when either my self critic or someone ELSE says something to put me down???
i say "thank you for your share, but i REJECT what you said as FALSE.....THIS is the truth about me, i am ........................................." (what ever i need to say to overwrite the bs" kinda works, that way i am not being mean, but i am saying that i "do not buy the BS"...........
also i play my "i love me" cd's that i made in MY voice to me each day, i hear the TRUTH about me!!!! thanks for the great share!!! peace n friendship in recovery, rosie