Thank you Joel. This site got me off the couch and reading when I was so depressed I barely had the energy to think. Then you all got me into the meetings. Now the real work is about to begin for me and I know I have a safe place to turn when times get tough.
There are two sayings in this program, that seem to contradict each other,
One is " This is a WE Program, no one can do alone"
The other is " This is a Selfish Program".........those two sayings confused me for a long time.
Dont know if I got it right, but because it was such a contradiction, spent a lot of time tying to figure them out.
Still don't know if my eventual conclusion is correct, but I finally could see that the "We part"
made sense, and finally began to see the "Selfish Program" was about putting my Recovering First in everything, (like when some family member, (husband) did not want me to go to "SO MANY F------- MEETINGS" , One time in early Recovery my husband hit a wall with his fist, and was really angry, and stated, "I just Want my Wife Back". Inside, I remember thinking, how pathetic that was to me, he wanted the Drug and Alcohol Using Loser back, so he could control her. He was Furious, and I was chukeling inside, with "Too Bad Honey, she's not coming back". Left that life behind me soon after.
Made this Program my new Family, with no Regrets, and with God's help was able to resolve the riddle or contradiction for myself.
Love to all of you, and Ditto, J.B. Wishing each and everyone of you a Joyfilled and Happy New Year.
(It's Tuesday morning, and I was reading Monday's Posts, and when I reread my own response to this Post, WOW did I get off the SUBJECT, must have been due to it being MONDAY HAHAHA. Happy New Year Jb, and Congraulations on your Sober New Year!