I have been dropping in when I have a minute to see how everyone is doing, but things have been crazy here. I had to take my Mom to the ER twice , once Sat. afternoon, she had fallen awhile back, all of a sudden, her leg started hurting really bad, I knew it was bad when she ask for her walker. When they x-rayed, there were no breaks, but she has metal in that leg, so they said it was probably badly bruised.So we came home with instructions to start physical therapy on Monday.
Well, got up Sunday morning, we had solid ice outside, same thing Monday morning, didn't leave the house.About 6:oo pm, Mom said she was having terrible chest pain, so... 911 and the ambulance came, I followed to the ER. She was not having a heart-attack, but they did CT-scan, found some other problems. We got home at 8 am Tues. morning...slept a little, went to an AA meeting , I needed one . Today, went in to see Mom's Dr., he is sending her to a kidney Dr. She just says why can't a person just die and be done, she is so tired COPD, auto-immune problems, but her heart is good, and today is not her day to be gone.
I just read Doll's post, needed it, "Just for today" and "One day at a time...yes, that's what gets me through this life of living life on lifes terms.Got a call from a cousin yesterday, telling me one of our other cousins died suddenly Sun., she was only 54 ...
So, gratitude list here I come - I am grateful today for one more day with Mom; for the 55 degree weather today, NO ICE on the roads; for the rooms of the programs and this board,for all of the experience, strength and hope I get from each of you;for another day of sobriety ...Thank you God.
Welcome to the newbies, there are alot of caring people here. Have a great sober evening.