Give to the world the best you have, and the best will come back to you. --Madeline Bridge
We do reap, in some measure, at some time, what we sow. Our respect for others will result in kind. Our love expressed will return tenfold. The kindness we greet others with will ease their relations with us. We get from others what we give, if not at this time and place, at another. We can be certain that our best efforts toward others do not go unnoticed. And we can measure our due by what we give.
A major element of our recovery is the focus we place on our behavior, the seriousness with which we tackle our inventories. We can look at ourselves and how we reach out and act toward others; it is a far cry from where we were before entering this program. Most of us obsessed on "What he did to me," or "What she said." And then returned their actions in kind.
How thrilling is the knowledge that we can invite loving behavior by giving it! We have a great deal of control over the ebb and flow of our lives. In every instance we can control, our behavior. Thus never should we be surprised about the conditions of our lives.
What goes around comes around. I will look for the opportunities to be kind and feel the results. ----------------
Nurturing Ourselves
Many of us have been so deprived of nurturing that we think it's silly or self-indulgent. Nurturing is neither silly nor self-indulgent; it's how we show love for ourselves. That's what we're striving for in recovery - a loving relationship with ourselves that works, so we can have loving relationships with others that work.
When we hurt, we ask ourselves what we need to help us feel better. When we feel alone, we reach out to someone safe. Without feeling that we are a burden, we allow that person to be there for us.
We rest when we're tired; eat when we're hungry; have fun or relax when our spirits need a lift. Nurturing means giving ourselves gifts - a trip to the beauty salon or barbershop, a massage, a book, a new jacket, or a new suit or dress. It means a long, hot bath to forget about our problems and the world for a few moments when that would feel good.
We learn to be gentle with ourselves and to open up to the nurturing that others have to offer us.
As part of nurturing ourselves, we allow ourselves to give and receive positive touch - touch that feels appropriate to us, touch that is safe. We reject touch that doesn't feel good or safe and is not positive.
We learn to give ourselves what we need in a gentle, loving, compassionate way. We do this with the understanding it will not make us lazy, spoiled, self centered, or narcissistic. Nurtured people are effective in their work and in their relationships.
We will learn to feel loved by ourselves so much that we can truly love others and let them love us.
Today, I will nurture myself. I will also be open to the nurturing that I can give to others and receive from them.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
Goodmorning Phil, I am nuturing myself with a second cup of coffee and this post is just what I need this morning. I was and still am to some extend a caregiver to the max, the program taught me if I don't take care of me first , I can't take care of anyone else.I thought when I took care of my needs I was being selfish, even had that thrown in my face a few times. Now when I hear that, it just goes in one ear and out the other.If I don't have my me time , which is a long hot bath, meetings, sitting in my favorite spot reading,going for a walk when it's nice outside,reading the board when I should be doing something else, then I become restless and discontent. It's just common sense now, instictive to know I need to take care of me.
I still like the thought that I should treat others as I would like to be treated, so I try to think that way. I feel that we get back what we sow in this world, so I want to sow good things. Do I always do that, no. But I am striving at it each new day, the program has taught me to show compassion and love and how to help those who need help in a constructive way. Taking an inventory at the end of each day helps me to see how I've helped or hurt someone, and if I need to do it different next time , I can and I will.
Have a great sober day ! Take care of yourself and slow down.
Hi Rose....Identify with everything youve shared...
Doesnt matter how long weve been here...there still seem to be little spiritual the days goes by...and tiny steps...of the whole learning process...of living sober..
Its all in slow..Higher Power mode today...and the trains slowed down...took a lotta days...and practice...and bruises..self inflicted
Ile mention...being humble..and teachable..and willing to change..
Getting out of all that self centered crap...taking care of us what we can to others..from our hearts...
And the promises do...come true...
You have a great :)
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..