'Paranoid personality disorder' is characterized by a distrust of others and a constant suspicion that people around you have sinister motives. The person with a Paranoid Personality Disorder essentially has an ongoing, baseless suspiciousness and distrust of people in their proximity. Paranoia is a term used by mental health specialists to describe suspiciousness (or mistrust) that is either highly exaggerated or not warranted at all. People with this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close relationships with others. They used to search for hidden meanings in everything and often habitual to read hostile intentions into the actions of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of friends and loved ones and often appears cold and distant to others. They usually tend to shift blame on others and carry long grudges for others. Paranoia can be mild and the affected person may function fairly well in society, or it can be so severe that the individual is incapacitated. Because some paranoid features accompany many psychiatric disorders.
General characteristics of paranoid personalities:
Suspicion about others motive: An unmistakable sign of paranoia is continual mistrust like the world as a most threatening place. They tend to confirm their expectations by latching on to any speck of evidence that supports their suspicions and ignore or misinterpret any evidence to the contrary. They are ever watchful and may look around for signs of a threat. They always suspect that others are exploiting, blackmailing or deceiving them, and others may not be loyal or trustworthy, believe there are threats or attacks on their character in innocent statements that others do not imagine. They bear persistent grudges and continue to expect trickery and to doubt the loyalty of others. In a personal relationship or marriage, this suspiciousness may take the form of unrealistic jealousy.
Hypersensitive behavior:
Because persons with paranoid personality disorder are hyper alert, they notice any slight and may take offense where none is intended. As a result, they tend to be defensive and antagonistic. When they are at fault, they cannot accept blame, not even mild criticism. Yet they are highly serious of others.
Cold and Aloof:
In addition to being argumentative and uncompromising, the people with paranoid personality disorder are often emotionally cut off from other people. They appear cold and, in fact, often avoid becoming intimate with others. They pride themselves on their rationality and objectivity. People with a paranoid outlook on life rarely come forward to seek help. Many presumably function competently in society. They may seek out social niches in which a moralistic and punitive style is acceptable, or at least tolerated to a certain degree.
Delusional Behavior:
Paranoids tend to be presence in a persistent, non-bizarre delusion without symptoms of any other mental disorder. Delusions are firmly held beliefs that are untrue, not shared by others in the culture, and not easily modifiable. -------------
Reasons for Forgiving
1. I will then be free from these negative emotions which are stressing my body and mind. 2. I will become more mature, taking responsibility for my reality. 3. I will free myself from the belief that others create my reality.. 4. I will be free from the fears and illusions, which obstruct my ability to forgive. 5. I will experience love again. 6. Since I would like others to forgive me for my mistakes, I would also like to forgive them for theirs. 8. Since I too have made mistakes and have behaved egotistically and defensively at times, then it is natural that I forgive the others for the same. 9. Only in this way, can I move forward to create conscious love relationships.
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..