I have an adult daughter, 22yo, that is on her own in another town who we've been helping get through nursing school. She moved out to be on her own when she was 18yo. Yesterday afternoon she called and said she was on her way to see us and needed to talk.
Long story short. She told me is on heroin. She told me that she has been in detox several times for that and other drugs and has also been in Narcotics Anonymous. She can't get off the stuff for good. As of last night she hadn't used for 3 days. She wants to get clean and she knows she can't do it on her own and wants help.
Her feelings are that she needs to go into a long term treatment program, 30 plus days. She has checked into some programs on the web and some of the prices are extremely high. Two she metioned were in CA. and Canada. I'd like to find something closer, central US, St. Louis, Chicago, Indy??? There is no insurance involved so cost is a factor. We also want one that doesn't use prescription drugs in the therapy.
What I'm looking for is a referral to a program or somewhere I can go to find a referal. She gave me some links but I havn't checked them out yet. I don't want to post my email address here but I believe this board allows private messages??? Is there someone I can call? Does anyone have any suggestions???
The best place to start would be your local mental health clinic or hospital...they would have names of treatment centers that are closer. Treatment can be very expensive, but there are programs which you can utilize which will help with payment.
Remember that your daughter is physically addicted and will need to be under a drs care while she tries to get clean. Her body will be fighting withdrawals and she will need at least some medical attention for awhile. I am glad she is able to let you know what is going on...support her and love her through this. I am praying for you all.
Cheri is right, that is where I would start. Also call NA in your area, someone there might be able to point you in the right direction, at least share their experience, strength and hope.You can search the internet, by typing in, drug treatment and the city.
It sounds has though your daughter has admitted she is powerless. You are both in my prayers.
Be thankful she came to you for help and not someone else. She has the strength to come to you for help and most importantly admit that she needs help. She sounds like a brave and strong person. I know this is not much help but stay strong and take the day as it comes. You are in my prayers.
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
There is a facility for both teens adolescence, as well as adults in two separate locations, both catering to the needs of addiction. My daughter had spent about 45 days in there this past summer and I must say that this place was phenomenal. It was like a resort facility with rock gardens and serenity paths on the grounds, foyers with beautiful stone fireplaces, an indoor gym facility and so much more. It is sponsored by various organizations nation and possible world wide. I will say that I believe there isn't another place like it in the world and that it is truly a blessing. Some of the young to older teens in this facility were heavily addicted to several substances and not only did the facility focus on the addicted person, but they offer complete family involvement. I was required to attend a weekend long family session that lasted from Friday to Sunday, in which they had all of the people who were affected by the addicted person come to the facility and have an extensive awareness session both with other people who were affected, as well as with the addicted person in their life. They had role playing in this setting and it provided an incredible feeling and understanding of addiction. There were speakers involved and also people recovering from their own addiction take part in many of the activities. The website is www.rosecrance.org. I know that my insurance covered almost 100% of this program for my daughter. There may be some financial resources they offer for those who really want to be a part of their program. When you go to that website you can view the actual facility and tour it in a virtual tour on line. Be sure you look at the serenity gardens--- it is all breathtaking.
My prayers are with you, your daughter and family.
Thanks everyone and thanks for the link and the info on Rosecrance Sanddie. I didn't think about assistance. Since she is on her own with a low income she may qualify for something if I can figure out where and what to apply for. Just starting to sift through all the programs, definately a bit overwhelming. I'll check out the link as soon as I can.
They have a very high success rate and a very positive environment- There is a lot of love at that place. Many people I know have been there and stayed sober long term. All the staff are in recovery. In addition, they have a longer term section where residents work for the rehab and at a local restaurant owned by the rehab, in exchange for free room and board and a small salary, and they have more freedom. People can stay there up to a year, sometimes longer- Most of the residents were in their 20s but there were people of all ages.
The price is 1,365/week until you get to the longer term treatment, but there might be scholarship available, I would ask.
I was there and I recommend it myself. Of course it is in upstate CT, not the midwest, but people come there from all over. I was at Hazelden in Minnesota also and would suggest Mountainside above Hazelden-
In any case, Good luck, and even if the rehab option does not pan out, with tons of meetings, a sponsor, and sticking with AA/NA people it is possible either with rehab or without-