Step 1: Admitted that we were powerless over alcohol; that our lives had become unmanageable.
Hi, I'm Dan and I'm an alcoholic. I have found, at least for me, I need to verbally reaffirm that, out loud, once a day; not especially for anyone else, but for my own ears to hear my own voice reminding me that I cannot "drink like normal people". If the "stinkin thinkin" starts to creep into my brain, telling me that it's ok to "just try one or two, then quit", that daily reminder helps me to swing the battle.
It is good to hear this from someone else besides myself. If I have a day where I do not say this then my day does not go well. There are probably more out there who do this but won't admit it.
You only live once; but if you work it right, once is enough. There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
hey dan, went to my f2f meeting last night one of OUR members, had a bad night saturday night. ended up with a oui with out a drivers liences, open container, and in jail, he was 8 months sober before. maybe just one or two? hummmmmmmmmm god bless wagon