Giving up is not giving in, nor is it failing. It is no longer needing to be right. --Anonymous
When someone tells us a riddle, we may give up if we don't know the answer. We give up because we are tired of trying to get it, or because we are eager to find out what it is. Giving up in other situations, may be more difficult. We may need to give up eating something that isn't healthy for us. We may need to give up trying to win an argument. We may need to give up old clothes that we love which no longer fit us. When we don't want to give up, it may be because we have forgotten the knowledge, health, or peace of mind we gain by doing so. In each case, giving up means growth and going on with our lives. Giving up may mean many different things in different situations, but it does not mean doing nothing. It means doing what seems right for us and giving up the expectation that what happens will be exactly what we want.What can I gain by giving up something that is harmful today?
#####ROSIE.....oh to me in the past, giving up WAS defeat...AND giving in.....boy that brings back triggers in the that hell hole giving up was to lose my lose my lose my innocense and ability to trust in lose my RIGHT to be lose ME!!! ALL of me....i was forced to "give up ME" i guess that is why i have to be "in control" otherwise i just feel helpless and i panic and than i explode with anger over my being "victimized" by life AGAIN!!!! i tell myself that this is NOW, and i am SAFE.... and its OK to release it.....its hard though, i am gaining SLOW ground on this very deep seated issue......NOW i give up becuz i am TIRED and worn out of trying to "force" the up always felt like being robbed, but now i try to do myself talk and say "now rosie, if you give UP refined sugar you feel better/ less anxiety" and than i use the maple syrup and i am up in arguments was hard for me 2...i had to get the last word...the winning "shot" i can just state my case, set a boundary if i need to...respect the other guy's opinion and live and let live....i can disagree and still respect the other's opinions...........i really really really DO want to give up stuff that doesn't serve me anymore.....i think the thigs that i don't quite yet??? maybe a comfort zone??? i try to figure out "whats the payoff" of keeping it?? or winning it???? up this old doggie i tried to rescue was a very dificult thing, but i knew that i HAD to detach with LOVE, or else i would be "purchasing" trouble and heartbreak more than i already got out of it....knowing when to "cut my losses" is something i am learning...slowly but i am learning....this "rescue doggie" was a BIG breakthrough for up the being in control of the issue......detaching with love......knowing when it was time to "fold my cards" and leave the game........i just try to do what is right....right for me...right for the unvierse.....i trust that if i am taking RIGHT care of me, it is RIGHT all expectations of what is gonna happen next.....i detached....i took care of me.....whatever will be will up the little old doggie, was the RIGHT thing to do....SHE wanted to "go home" i could see it in her eyes, when i found her at the pound.........I wanted to detach with love, and go on to save the doggies that ARE hurt, but it was RIGHT.......i learned that i don't have to suceed at everything to feel good about long as i do what is right......have a heart......have good intentions....and do my BEST....i am ok......thank you
Q: What can I gain by giving up something that is harmful today? A: SANITY
I find that by giving up, I am releasing my self to victory. I find that I am incapable of changing anything about myself to begin with, so by giving up, I am surrendering. I am accepting the fact, that I am powerless. I am accepting the fact that in and of myself, I am nothing.
I am working the first step of awareness that I must give control over to something greater than myself. The second step is me BELIEVING, or having just a seed of faith that I can be restored to sanity. The third step, is the decision (after recognizing my control) to give it to someone who has all power and CAN restore my sanity. I am allowing God to be the director. I am allowing Him to do His work.. I have recognized that I am powerless.
Releasing "self" is the greatest expression and gift that we can ever give ourselves. What an awesome paradox. It is by giving that we find. When we release ourselves to something greater than ourselves....... than This is truly when we Find ourselves.
Our Hp has such a wonderful plan and purpose for our lives, but unless we give our whole complete selves to Him, and trust Him, the plan does not unfold the way that it is suppose to. How can we possibly expect change, when we are always in the way of the one (HP) who does the changing?
So yes, By working the steps, giving of myself and continuing through the steps, I have found a gift that is so undescribable that I can't help but carry the message!
May sunshine and rainbows bless your spirits from within! May we bless every person that crosses our path with the gift that we have so richly received. The gift of loving ourselves and others.
Sounds like the same concept as 'letting go'. Sometimes it is hard to let go of that favorite pair of shoes that feels more comfortable all the time, even though the hole in the sole is all the way through now.. and my big toe is seen through the top. It is hard to let go of my youth as I get older now and don't look 25 any more. I have a house full of the clutter of things that are hard to let go of. And giving up is also like surrender.. I give up trying to find the softer, easier way and just do what I have to do now. I've been fighting God and I surrender to His mysterious wisdom. But some things,, I have to promise never to give up.. never give up on my recovery journey, no matter how stalled it seems or rough it gets.. never give up on my life in one of my discouraged depressions.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time