. . . . we ask God for inspiration, an intuitive thought or a decision. We relax and take it easy. We don't struggle. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 86
I invest my time in what I truly love. Step Eleven is a discipline that allows me and my Higher Power to be together, reminding me that, with God's help, intuition and inspiration are possible. Practice of the Step brings on self-love. In a consistent attempt to improve my conscious contact with a Higher Power, I am subtly reminded of my unhealthy past, with its patterns of grandiose thinking and false feeling of omnipotence. When I ask for the power to carry out God's will for me, I am made aware of my powerlessness. Humility and a healthy self-love are compatible, a direct result of working Step Eleven.
#######ROSIE.........friday night i realized that iwas not doing enough *prayer-hp work*.......so as of fri night i am setting time aside....NO tv after a certain hour, it is me and my HP *getting together* i did it fri night, sat night, and last night and already i feel better....more connected with my HP.....i was *knocking myself OUT* on the journalling/ posting on boards/ meets to a point/ even sponser....but no HP....its like i was not doing anything with hp.....doing well on ALL the other aspects of this program , but i left step 11 out........when i became aware, i accepted my oversight and my action is to SET ASIDE, my quiet prayer time...prayer and meditation, affirmations about my hp.........TODAY i work on my relationship with me and my hp....us together working on my behalf.....i am subtly reminded of my unhealthy past of low self esteem and feelings of lack and limitation...that was MY past thinking...like i am just burning off bad karma .....but i KNOW i can change my karma with my beliefs...to change my beliefs, i must do my affirmations with my higher power AND pray for wisdom and guidence on things i need to work on....up until now i was lacking in this.........i am asking for the divine plan for my life.....not what my screwed up beliefs have brought me.......i am POWERLESS, but my hp is not......i humbly ask my hp to remove my shortcommings that are sabotaging my good in my life.......thank you......ROSIE
hehehehe (((phil)))) i don't have a gender on God either.....i call it the *source...hp...creator* more than i do God.........that was tooo funny....hows it goin with you?????? hugs/ rosie