I have an intense desire to return to the womb. Anybodys! --Woody Allen
Some days the world just doesn't seem safe. Maybe a friend died and you are hurting. Maybe you argued with a loved one. You just want someone to take care of you. You want to feel safe and warm.
Turn to the spiritual part of the program. Let you Higher Power hold you with warm, loving care. Pray. Pray to feel the program's love. If you do this, the love of the program will find you. Why? Because you've opened your heart to recovery. To be loved, you have to open up to love.
Prayer for the Day
I pray for an open heart. I pray that the love of the program will find me and comfort me. Higher Power, I need Your love as a child needs the love of parents.
Action for the Day
Today, I'll list three times the world has felt unsafe. I'll meditate on how things would have been different if I had turned to my Higher Power for comfort.
gammy ..................Turn to the spiritual part of the program. Let you Higher Power hold you with warm, loving care. Pray. Pray to feel the program's love. If you do this, the love of the program will find you. Why? Because you've opened your heart to recovery. To be loved, you have to open up to love.
rosie...............you know i always cried "God isn't enuf...i want someone in SKIN"!!!!!! but since i have noone and its god or nothing, i decided to just hunker down/ open myself to loving ME/ accepting me, and its not so bad now...*not having anyone in skin*.its like, "ok, he isn't here yet....so i'll love me"...........i do get sick of no hugs at night....no comfort when i am going through these grief layers, etc. but i am going to trust that i am where i am supposed to be.......i gotta find a decent f2f meet around me....the aa's meet when i am working........the alanon group near me sucks....its a power struggle between these 2 older members and they are running people off left and right............so i do what i can do!!!! but i AM open to recovery..........i AM open to love........i guess in right timing all things shall come to me.................thanks (((((((gammyrose))))))))))) rosie