Thanks gang- I'm happy to say that we got things straightened out at the meetings. I vented there as I did here and it was understood.
I probably pissed a few off in the process but there is nothing I can do about it right now. I apologized for my outburst. It was suprising to me that many of the "oldtimers" felt the same way as I did at some point. I received many a handshake and hug after the meeting. I found out that I was not the only person there who felt this way.
I guess we're all in the same boat.
The last few weeks have been trying and I needed to attend meetings. My stubborn self surrendered it's deadly pride. I need to continue going to meetings. Us drunks have a tendency to become complacient when away- as I found out months ago.
Thanks again everyone - and a special thanks to leejosepho for "breaking it down" BB style. Now I read my BB a little more- I'm finding some answers in there.
Hey Kevin, Glad you're back in the program. I'm sure it's not the first time some of them have been pissed off, won't be the last. Just remember one thing, all each person has is their story, and that's where we come from. Take what you like and leave the rest. tell your story , it's going to be of great help to someone...