Things here in Redneckville, USA are good. I've had a very busy week at work and still managed to give my son quality time and get to a f2f everday. My homegroup had the annual Halloween party last night, lots of food, costume contests, raffles, excellent fellowship and a speaker with 40 yrs of continous 24 hours. What an awesome speaker he was. I came home with a peace about me that I have never experienced before and I still have it this morning - what a blessing.
As for my parents, Gammy, NO they didn't come back. My mother called me Monday around noon to say they were in town! Well, I'm at work, so "now what?" I asked her. She got down right mad and hung up on me! Haven't spoken to her since. I do plan to call her later today, wish me luck on that one, that I say and do the next right thing.
My son is thriving. School is so much better for him this year and he's made a new friend who's parents are in AA and attend our church, that too is a blessing. Getting him away from the "ya who's" he normally hangs out with lessens my fear for him. I have faith today that he will make the right decisions and choices in his life.
I have made some really wonderful friends in AA. And for the first time in my life I know what it feels like to have a family! For a long time I was angry at the fact that I am an alcoholic, but came to realize not so long ago that without it I would not have all these wonderful blessings.
My thoughts of John are diminishing. I no longer dwell on the sadness that the relationship ended, I have found I can think of the "good times" he and I shared and smile. I look forward to what my God has instore for me next.
My gratitude is tremendous today. I got on my knees last night, for the first time in my life, and thanked my God for the blessings and comfort he is providing.
My thanks to all of you, Cheri, Phil, Gammy, Wagon, Wendy, Badger, Mikel, Sick of being Sick, Tipsy, Christine, Rosie, Bob, Chris and the rest who come and go on this board. My thanks to John for establishing this website.
I love you all. Have a grateful, sober day.
Many hugs,
-- Edited by Doll at 08:43, 2005-10-30
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
And thanks to you too, for being here Doll! And thanks for reminding me how much we can gain from keeping that "attitude of gratitude".
I hope you understand when I say that I feel sorry for your mom, only because she doesn't understand, and likely will never benefit from, the emotional and spiritual liberation that this program has to offer.
I honestly have to say that I did not have the opportunity with my mother to truly, openly discuss our relationship and our feelings, the way that I have with my daughters. I think she had that old school attitude that it was, somehow, not proper to let others see their innermost person, and also, could not let herself accept her children as adults who she could treat as adult friends. I dunno, maybe it's harder for mothers to stop acting like mothers to their kids? My dad, on the other hand, did a lot of counselling of others as a minister, and was pretty easy at expressing his feelings and at accepting others.
Also, I'm glad that you mentioned John in your post.
I also want to say to John: I have been meaning to let you know how much I appreciate finding this site. It has meant more to me than I can express. It fills the spaces I was missing through other aspects of the AA fellowship. I am surprised that more haven't found this site. I will bet that, in time, MIP'ers could become so numerous that you might have to separate the page into sub-groups, kinda like they do at AA meetings I have attended in larger communities.
My thanks also to all of you (too numerous to mention) who are regulars.
And, to the newcomers, please keep coming back. There is incredible experience to be gained from this site!
Doll, you are such a blessing to this group and I'm grateful you are here. I'm sorry about your parents , but maybe in time, things will get better. I have two grown children who are having a hard time with the fact that they came from an alcoholic home, I just have to let them be who they are at this time. My son went to a lot of AA and Al-anon functions ,daughter would have no part in any of it. It sounds as though your son is doing okay.
I know I'm powerless over their actions, and I love and accept them just as they are. Sometimes their actions hurt, but I have a God who can comfort me and amazing friends here and in AA.
Surrendering my will to God, and being grateful for this day of sobriety,it works.