There is nothing so moving--not even acts of love or hate--as the discovery that one is not alone. --Robert Ardrey
Our fears are normal. Some of us fear going to a new school and making new friends. Taking an important test causes jitters in the bravest looking person. Maybe staying alone in the house for the first time has you looking under beds and in closets every time you hear a strange noise. Our fears are merely reminders that we've forgotten to let God help us out. fear is my needs won't be met.....not being able to "make it"....the thought of beginning a new job.....i want SO much to turn to God, i still don't trust him, that is hard for me to confess , i guess my trust issues run deeper than i had thought....i do't know HOW young i was when i learned "do not trust!! ANYthing".....i want so much to be able to work through feel i can trust my HP....but i have much work to do....i am getting better at trusting in the little things, my hp has been ok on that.....i DO want to go to the *next level* but handing me trials is not going to get it.....but that is what i am my action???? detach...throw my hands up....say "ok, do what you gotta do...i am out of this".......i think if we belly up at work, i will take a month off on unemployment and REgroup on me.....hone my skills on the Xcel and MS word....just kinda *tune me up* maybe go to the juniour college and see if i can teach!!!! i don't know, the first thing i have to do is pray to the effect that i am WILLING to give up this fear i won't "make it" in life.....
So often we think we're alone, but we never are. We each have a Higher Power just waiting to be relied on. Nothing is too difficult or fearful for us to handle with the help of our Higher Power. When we develop the habit of letting God ease our way, our fears are gone.....Today, which fear can I replace with trust in my Higher Power?
######ROSIE....i feel alone!!! i am out of touch with any HP within me.....i am reaching out....looking withIN for it....somehow i have my "foot on the garden hose of my spirituality" i guess this is a setback!!! i guess also that i am just TIRED!!!! at 59 i am worn many times can "life" go to my well and take before i dry up????? i am practicing the DETACHMENT thing, because walking away, letting go is what i need to do....i am WILLING to take my hands off..let go....allow myself to release me from the karma, let it GO..... TODAY i will practice that!!!! do my affirmations i am LETTING GO!!!! my fear is not being able to take care of me.....that has always been my fear!!!! that i will not "make it" TODAY, i will say "i am WILLING to let go of my fear of not making it"......thank you DONE