tell me what I need to do to stop. I will listen, I will do it...just tell me.
I know I've been arrogant on this board in the past. I know I've been argumentative, and difficult, but I'm tired of fighting and I just want to have some peace and order in my life.
be openminded to help and ask, just like you are doing
be willing to go to any length to get sober and stay sober
try an AA meeting, look them up in your phone book
possibly go to a detox center, not sure where you are on the globe...most places have a detox
i had to surrender to win Tipsy, I had to accept that i am an alcoholic and that i can't day at a time, one minute at a time if need be
we aren't bad people Tipsy, we are sick
only a ham is cured, but we can arrest this disease, by not picking up that first drink. Quitting is easy Tipsy, i've done it a thousand times. It staying stopped thats hard, i know. I've learned that alcohol is but a bigger problem is me...Wendy. AA has shown me how to live life on lifes terms, without drinking to escape my isms. It doesn't get better overnight Tipsy, its a long hard road. But living sober is so worth it!!!
The only thing I was capable of doing for the first 365 days, was going to meetings, meetings, and more meetings, and trying to stay away from that first drink, each day. I couldnt have it in the house, and I couldnt be around it. I couldnt be alone, with myself, because of that damned monkey on my shoulder that kept saying "Yaaa--itll be ok this time' and that damned monkey would keep convincing me, that it was going to be different, and that this time, I could handle it. Yaaa-right.
Thats all I was capable of doing. I was a nut case. Had to get a sponsor, that I could confide my inner, most feelings and thoughts-and ask for a bit of guidance, as days went by.
Surrenders a bitch, for some of us. It was for this guy.
And Ile give you a call, anytime. ---Ive been down every road there is to go--Tip. Every one of them.--dont know a hell of a lot, but if you need to vent-Ile listen. Phil
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
Hey Tipsy, Glad you're back. I agree with everything Wendy has said .
You are worth getting sober, nothing changes until something changes. Get to an AA meeting, get a sponsor, read the Big Book and the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, say the Serenity Prayer, over and over and over, it will begin to soak in.It's not easy, but nothing worth having is ever easy, you have to work for it.
Hey ,as far as you being arrogant, arugmentative, and difficult...hmmmmm. Nothing I haven't been around in my time in recovery, reminds me of me, some days are worse than others. We are not saints, no one is, we are humanbeings, living life on lifes terms, staying sober one day at a time. Surrendering to a power greater than me ,every day helps me to stay sober.
I really am glad to see you back. Keep posting and don't pick up a drink today.
hey tip, glad u r back everything has pretty much been said. want to add my worse day sober is 100 times better then my best day drinking!!! hang in there and hit a meeting soon. wagon
when i get the *overwhelmed feeling* i STOP......breathe......ask myself and i hungry?? angry??? lonely????? tired????? or is it old pain comming up/ my inner child needing to be validated/ nurtured??????? i call my sponser.....ascertain which step i need to work and journal on the literature......and FOCUS on ME and the NOW....heres praying that you get back on track/ rosie
Don't drink. Get honest with yourself. Ask for help. Become teachable. Be willing to go to any lengths. AA meetings, get a sponsor, work the steps. Take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth. See your physician. Detox Treatment.
My prayers are with you
Love and LOTS of hugs
-- Edited by Doll at 16:38, 2005-10-25
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Hi, again I don't know if the message I started just before this went thru to you I hit a wrong button, I can tend to do that sometimes, even in a conv.but what I was getting to to was cunning,baffling,and powerfull our disease,we fight it,doesn't work,we[first word in the first step]surrender,we don't take the the first drink [or your choice of drug] and things change,seems like you have alot of people who care? I wanted freedom from my own thoughts which were insane and I thought getting high was the answer,I thought I was making that choice,but it was the disease, I don't know if thsi will go thru so I'm going to send it as is and wait for a reply, just do it