I am so frustated at the moment. I have left my sponser umpteen messages and still haven't gotten a return call. Last time I talked to her was over a week ago. When I called her at our appointed time I got no answer. I left a msg. The next day I called again, still no answer, left a msg. I called her cell, which I always get voice mail, and she never calls me back, and she said she was going to call me, she was headed to NY and then we got cut off. Couldn't get thru to her again. She's been late to every BB study we've had which have only been 2. Good thing my sobriety hasn't been threatened huh!! I think she has way too many sponsees, there just aren't enough women here with quality or quantity. Sad to say but most, actually almost all, of them have NOTHING I want............ Suggestions welcomed.....
Love ya all
-- Edited by Doll at 09:53, 2005-09-22
* We eventually realize that just as the pains of alcoholism had to come before sobriety, emotional turmoil comes before serenity. *
Doll, Phil is a walking Big Book today, I need that. Sorry about the sponsor deal, but things happen. Is there someone, anyone, female in the program, you can call or go have coffee with??
Have you done any writing?
Praying for you today! Stay sober and try a meeting...I'm going to one tonight.
Sadly, I think your problem is common around the world...there just aren't enough women going to meetings. I know there out there somewhere but I see the same stuff here too. Right now I am the only woman that goes to meetings with more than 6 months of sobriety. My sponsor is 250 miles away but I call her every week. I explained the situation here to her and she told me to find one of the older men...with 25 yrs or more...that I could sit down with and talk Big Book. But I use her when I need to really have the sponsor/sponcee relationship...but I use some of the men as mentors. But that doesn't really help you out does it? Any questions you ahve you can always ask me or any of the people on the board, but you need that special relationship with a sponsor right now.
I will share this with you...when I first started with my sponsor, I felt the same thing. She had lots of sponcees, she was very active in service work, and was busy all the time. I put myself on the bottom of her list, telling myself that she was too busy and I was doing ok without calling her all the time. I did my 5th step with her and then just kind of went on my own for awhile. I saw her at meetings and got involved in some service work, but I didn't think I needed her cause my life wasn't in crisis mode. About 6 months later she and I went for coffee and I was telling her about some stuff going on, and she asked me why I hadn't been calling her. I told her I thought she was too busy and everything was ok with me. She told me that in order for her to stay sober, she needed me in her life too. That it was important for her to give to me waht had been given to her, that I was helping her. That she never would have agreed to sponsor me if she thought she was too busy and I was denying her the joy of watching me grow up.
So, if you think your sponsor is too busy for you, is it you or is it her? And maybe she is too busy, but you need to ask her outright. And there may be something going on right now in her life that she hasn't shared with you...but I would ask and then make my decisions from there. I have a hard time sharing some of my stuff with people that are in early sobriety, simply because I don't want them to worry about me. I know what I need to do but I sometimes wait for the right moment to do it, and newcomers get scared over that. It'll all work out the way it's suppose too.