Hi all. How is everyone? Healthy, happy and sober I hope !
We got home about 3pm today. And wow! am I tired. But it's a good kind of tired. My son and I had a blast. His friend ended up not being able to go so it was just the 2 of us, (funny how that happened ?!) and it was great. We really did some bonding and had such fun. Spent way too much money, but what the hell, right! It's only money! LOL.
We rode waves, we swam in the pool, we walked Ocean blvd, for miles and miles. We got airbrush t-shirts made, we got matching henna tattoos, we ate, and ate, and ate; shrimp, crablegs, oysters, fish, Dippin Dots, ice cream, funnel cakes and more........ And we did the Ripley's tour, consisted of the Museum, the haunted house, the 4D theather which was cool, and the aquarium, which was REALLY cool. We got to pet stingrays - they feel like sponges. It was great! Took lots and lots of pictures, which I will have developed this time (I used to never follow thru with that, and lost the film!).
I'm still on the 90 & 90 path so I made a call to the local AA when we got there Wednesday and someone picked us up each night at 6pm for a meeting, there were lots of other kids there so my son met some great people. It was soooo easy. I didn't once have the desire to drink. Thank my God. I was soo scared it would be hard, in such a "party town"..... My HP is awesome. And so is my kid. Getting to know him is wonderful. I look forward to tomorrow with him........ Well, that's about the jest of it. Im off to an AA - today is DAY 30 and I gotta get my "silver" chip.
happy to hear you had a great time with your son. i know you were not looking forward to your vacation.
God works in mysterious ways.your sons friend wasn't able to go,so that gave you an oppurtunity to spend more time with your son.there is no place like home after being on vacation.your spirit has to be lifted since it was such a great experience.
take care
nancy jo
Life is full of ups and downs
But the faces of love will
ease the pain and suffering
from:My Mother
Well done OP. So glad it all came up roses. One of the many wonderful blessings that come with sobriety is the new relationships we forge with our kids. Living sober alongside our kids is SO MUCH MORE FUN! Am so glad you and your son had a great time.
Keep doing what you're doing, it seems to be working for you. Ya know? I seriously got goose bumps reading your post, thankyou for sharing. I'm so happy you got to meetings on your vaction, right on!
I know what you mean, i to have been re-acquainting myself with my girls...i love it and Thank God that i have the opportunity to do so.