Hey NancyJo. :) I dont understand a lot about threads etc. but I do know that some kind of a Higher Power lead you to us.
Up all night?
Yup-Been there. Stick with the WINNERS our freind. We are here holding your hand, one day at a time, in any way we can be. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. HANG TOUGH, and just Easy Does It, and Do the do things yu gotta do for you.
We care!!
Easy Does it..Keep It Simple..Let Go and Let God..
Welcome NancyJo ! Keep coming back, some days are slower than others, but this is a great site. There are many caring people here who have some great sobriety under their belts and continue on in recovery, it a journey not a destination...
Allo Nancy, when I first came here I thought it was a bit odd that folks never held convos (maintained threads) as such too...and things move very fast here... have got used to it...and have found it actually helps remind me that things change...helps me move on, in a sense, and recognise a new day.
The one main problem with the quick moving threads, is that newcomers sometimes get lost in the flow. If you click on your own name when you come in, it will give you a list of your recent posts and shares...if a newcomer has come in and responded to something you have said that they may have related to...you can see it there. Otherwise the post and the newcomer often just disappears into the abyss of the unnoticed.
Glad you have joined us, and hope you keep popping in.