Been blessed recently, with a chance to finally be who i am. to have that freedom to love and be loved. I have always dreamed of that freedom, drank over the lack there of. I will always remain grateful and most of all to do my very best at remembering what a precious gift I have been given, and to treat them with the utmost respect.
with out the help of this program i would have kept drinking and never have had the chance to be here right now writing you all. i am just so peaceful even in my day to day chaos.
I have the most dearest friend who helps me and is there for me and shows me places in me i had forgotten all about, because of fears. i am not so fearful anymore, so thanks my friend and...
Ellen, I agree with Nancy Jo, a great way to start my morning. I am so grateful for the program of A.A., for my sobriety, and for the understanding that this too shall pass. I can now live life on lifes terms, in the past I just wanted everything to happen on my terms and now I know that when that actually happens it is a gift, and I should be grateful to God.
I'm glad you are posting again, and that you have found the freedom that makes life so much easier.