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Post Info TOPIC: Website Links To Recovery Based Sites, AA Speaker tapes, etc

MIP Old Timer

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Website Links To Recovery Based Sites, AA Speaker tapes, etc

Please use this thread to post (and find)  links to sites containing AA literature, step work, or other spiritual material that has helped you.  No spam, self promotion, or sites that could be deemed as controversial with regards to the program or specific religious content, thanks.

I found this while looking for blogs and such on the 10th step.  The site has a manual on working the steps with forms for the 4th step that's downloadable <word?>


Here's a link to a complete directory of AA meetings all over the US:


-- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 3rd of November 2011 07:40:56 PM

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Saturday 10th of December 2011 07:29:53 AM


 Gratitude = Happiness!

MIP Old Timer

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RE: Website with guides to working the steps

cool, thanks for the link. I love trying new forms for the "writing-steps". Always something different to think about that I may not have thought about before. :o)

~Your Higher Power has not given you a longing to do
that which you have no ability to do.

MIP Old Timer

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Thank You, StPeteDean. I appreciate it.


I alone can do it...but I can't do it alone.

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Wicked find Dean! Thanx for that!


Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. ~Buddha

MIP Old Timer

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I love this, Dean. Thank you for sharing it. I have a new fledgling sponsee & all Big Book related sponsorship is a big help. Big Thanks :) Danielle x

Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!

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Good link, thanx, here's a couple that I use    and

Serenity is Wanting what you have, not having what you want

Always remember non-alcoholic beers are for NON-ALCOHOLICS


MIP Old Timer

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Hi Dean,

What Rob wrote, fantastic find....just went there, interesting site.



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Websites with guides to working the steps, reading literature, and other cool spiritual stuff (post them)

Here's a good one I found recently, do you have a BB quote, but no idea where it comes from?? You can search for it here.

Did anyone ever tell you there are no 'musts' in the Big Book??  Well, it ain't true, there's loads of them.

Editing in ~ Have dived in to add here that I ordered a few of these as Xmas gifts & they are amazing. Fantastic present for anyone serious about their sobriety :) ~ Thanks, Avril xx

-- Edited by Sobrietyspell on Sunday 14th of February 2010 10:47:18 PM

Serenity is Wanting what you have, not having what you want

Always remember non-alcoholic beers are for NON-ALCOHOLICS


MIP Old Timer

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RE: Websites with guides to working the steps (post them)

Nice Finds Avril ! Keep 'em coming folks


 Gratitude = Happiness!


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Recovery Zone

Hey Everyone

You should check out this awesome website I found last week called: The Recovery Zone. It has all these great 12 step resources and tons of information. You can even listen to the whole Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book on the site for FREE.

Check it out at:


MIP Old Timer

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Post Your Favorite AA Speaker Recordings Here

This thread is for posting websites with free audio files of AA speakers and particularly
your favorite Speakers,favorite talks by speakers. Here's a site with quite a lot of speaker tapes to listen to, including many of Bill W.

The first that I heard, and favorite AA circuit speaker of mine is Bob Earl.  Bob got sober around '62 and was speaking around the country from the mid '80's until perhaps the early 90's.  I love him because he is so real and funny.  He was really ahead of his time, recovering in many more ways than his alcoholism.  The audio is a bit distorted by give it some time and you'll get a lot out of it.
Enjoy.  smile.gif

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 5th of November 2009 06:28:06 PM


 Gratitude = Happiness!

MIP Old Timer

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Thanks Dean! OMG love Bob!



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Joe and Charlie Big Book Study tapes

Best money I ever spent many years ago was going to a J&C Big Book Study weekend, and came home understanding the Big Book a whole lot better than before.

Serenity is Wanting what you have, not having what you want

Always remember non-alcoholic beers are for NON-ALCOHOLICS


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Websites with AA Speaker tapes, etc

Guy named Sonny. Oh my gosh....makes me cry every time I listen to him.biggrin

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Friday 8th of April 2011 06:29:10 PM

meeting you on the road of happy destiny

MIP Old Timer

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RE: Websites with guides to working the steps, reading literature, and other cool spiritual stuff (post them)

You can collect a cybriety medallion here.  (Virtual medallion)  You can also send them to friends who have a soberversary.

Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!

MIP Old Timer

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Tao Te Ching (The Way of Life) by Lau Tzo - translated by S. Mitchell

-- Edited by Aquaman on Sunday 7th of February 2010 11:54:28 PM


I alone can do it...but I can't do it alone.


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I'd post a link to the Three Legged Stool but then you'd have to listen to me tell you how to work the steps. ;) great links.

Have a great day unless you got other plans.

MIP Old Timer

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Site I found with a bunch of AA related links...

-- Edited by SoberSteve on Tuesday 16th of February 2010 07:23:35 PM


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.



MIP Old Timer

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Daily Recovery Readings... Has lots of great daily meditations etc..

-- Edited by SoberSteve on Friday 19th of February 2010 07:15:28 PM


God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.




MIP Old Timer

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Websites with AA Speaker tapes, guides to working the steps, reading literature, and cool spiritual stuff (post them)

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Tuesday 2nd of March 2010 10:04:44 PM

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a night, light a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life

MIP Old Timer

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"In The Rooms" Facebook group. I joined. Highly recommended.

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Tuesday 27th of April 2010 12:44:13 PM


 Gratitude = Happiness!

MIP Old Timer

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RE: Websites with AA Speaker tapes, guides to working the steps, reading literature, and cool spiritual stuff (post the

This is a great audio site with tons of great speakers

What I especially like is that even if your computer has limited memory and a slower connection speed like mine, these are easy to download.

I am sometimes almost terrified at the utter naivete of us: you, me,
and all those others, our happy little gang of six billion nitwits. We
are so self assured in our petty knowledge. We always know, of
course, that we were wrong before, but are sure that we are not wrong
--Richard C. Henry


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Here's a cool blog I found recently: Mr. SponsorPants.  I've been browsing around it much of the day, today, and I like what I've been reading.

~ one breath at a time

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More Cyber Chips

"A busy mind is a sick mind.  A slow mind, is a healthy mind.  A still mind, is a divine mind." - Native American Centerness

Creating Dreams, from the nightmares of hell...

MIP Old Timer

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RE: Websites with AA Speaker tapes, etc

StPeteDean wrote:

"In The Rooms" Facebook group. I joined. Highly recommended.

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Tuesday 27th of April 2010 12:44:13 PM

This site is great, thanks, its like facebook for recovery members..



God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.



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Here's a link to "Dr. Bob and the Good Old timers". You can read it directly from the site, no download necessary. For those interested in the early days of AA.

-- Edited by ferrisdp on Sunday 30th of January 2011 07:11:47 AM

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Sunday 30th of January 2011 08:47:18 AM



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-- Edited by StPeteDean on Monday 31st of January 2011 05:50:30 PM


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This is a website for the Miami Valley Winter Conference, here in Ohio. The focus is on The Family Afterwards (but it's not a Big Book study conference). Six leads in one day, which is a lot, but it's fantastic. They normally have an equal number of AA and Al-Anon leads in the same conference, and several times, there has been an ala-teen speaker. Anyway, links for mp3s of past leads, from 1998-2006, are all listed in a link there. Check out the whole site, though (and by the way, the next annual conference is coming up on March 5th). wink

-- Edited by hsoj on Monday 31st of January 2011 05:50:32 AM

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Monday 31st of January 2011 05:49:14 PM

No thing of beauty was meant for inspection
Else detected
it would blush
and ache to endure

-Gregory Corso


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Hey guys~

For anyone new to AA or this site....this website really helped me and continues to do so. Just a simple site full of some AA recovery quotes and prayers. :)

and this one is all the step prayers in one place.

Thanks for sharing!

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Wednesday 9th of March 2011 07:53:18 AM



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has many recent recorded recovery talks, conferences & workshops in mp3 format to download for free biggrin

-- Edited by JL on Monday 4th of July 2011 09:22:15 AM



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Wow! What a great resource!!!! thanks so much for this



MIP Old Timer

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RE: Websites with AA Speaker tapes, etc (multi-purpose stickey thread)

AA Quotes and Slogans

* easy does it
* first things first
* live and let live
* but for the grace of god
* think......think.......think
* one day at time
* let go and let god
* kiss---keep it simple stupid
* act as if.........
* this too shall pass
* expect miracles
* I can't .........he can..........I think I'll let him (steps 1,2,3)
* if it works.........don't fix it
* keep coming works if you work it
* stick with the winners
* keep right size
* sobriety is a journey ..........not a destination
* faith without works is dead
* poor me.....poor me............pour me another drink
* to thine own self be true
* I came; I came to; I came to believe (steps 1,2,3)
* live in the NOW
* if god seems far away, who moved ?
* turn it over
* aa=altered attitudes
* nothing is so bad, a drink won't make it worse
* we are only as sick as our secrets
* there are no coincidences in AA
* be part of the solution, not the problem
* sponsors: have one-----use one-----be one
* I can't handle it god; you take over
* keep an open mind
* it works -------it really does ! (page 88,line 8 in the big book)
* willingness is the key
* more will be revealed
* you will intuitively know
* you will be amazed
* no gain
* go for it
* keep the plug in the jug
* do it sober
* let it begin with me
* just for today
* sober `n` crazy
* pass it on
* it's in the book
* you either is-------or you ain't
* before you say: I can't ............say I'll try
* don't quit 5 minutes before the miracle happens
* some of us our sicker than others
* we're all here because we're not all there
* alcoholism is an equal opportunity destroyer
* practice an attitude of gratitude
* the road to sobriety is a simple journey for confused people with a complicated disease
* another friend of bill W.'s
* god is never late
* have a good day unless of course u have made other plans
* decisions aren't forever
* it takes time
* 90 meetings in 90 days.........90/90
* you are not alone
* where you go .......there you are
* don't drink, read the big book, and go to meetings
* use the 24-hour plan
* make use of the telephone therapy
* stay sober for yourself
* look for similarities rather than differences
* remember your last drunk
* remember that alcoholism is incurable, progressive, and fatal
* try not place conditions on your sobriety
* when all else fails, follow directions
* count your blessings
* share your happiness
* respect the anonymity of others
* share your pain
* let go of old ideas
* try to replace guilt with gratitude
* what goes around, comes around
* change is a process, not an event
* take the cotton out of your ears and put it in your mouth
* call your sponsor before, not after, you take the first drink
* sick and tired of being sick and tired
* it's the first drink that gets you drunk
* to keep it, you have to give it away
* man's extremity is god's opportunity
* the price for serenity and sanity is self-sacrifice
* one alcoholic talking to equals one
* take what you can use and leave the rest
* what if........
* yeah but.........
* if only.........
* help is only a phone call away
* around AA or in AA ?
* you can't give away what you don't have
* one drink is too many and thousand not enough
* K.C.B. --- keep coming back
* anger is but one letter away from danger
* courage to change
* easy does it, but do it
* bring the body and the mind will follow
* accept your admission
* remember when............
* dry and tighten up (financially)
* we AAs are 'gifted' people
* there are 12 steps in the ladder of complete sobriety
* fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed
* before engaging your mouth, put your mind in gear!
* I want what I want when I want it
* there is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem
* AA is not something you join, it's a way of life
* we can be positive that our drinking was negative
* spirituality is the ability to get our minds off ourselves
* faith is spelled ...............a-c-t-i-o-n
* backsliding begins when knee-bending stops
* if I think, I won't drink. if I drink, I can't think
* bend your knees before you bend your elbow
* the first step in overcoming mistakes is to admit them
* formula for failure: try to please everyone
* sorrow is looking back, worry is looking around
* willpower= our willingness to use a higher power
* aa is an education without graduation
* when your head begins to swell your mind stops growing
* a journey of a 1,000 miles begins with the first step
* god=good orderly direction
* be as enthusiastic about AA as you were about your drinking
* you received without cost, now give without charge
* humility is our acceptance of ourselves
* trying to pray is praying
* get it ---give it---grow in it
* faith is not belief without proof but trust without reservation
* we're responsible for the effort not the outcome
* this is a selfish program
* ego=edge god out
* keep your sobriety first to make it last
* I drank: too much---too often---too long
* AA will work if you want it to work
* minds are like parachutes----they won't work unless they're open
* what you hear and see here, stays here
* alcoholism is the only disease that tells you you're all right
* if you turn it over and don't let go of it, you will be upside down.
* an AA meeting is where losers get together to talk about their winnings
* AA is a school in which we are all learners and all teachers
* god taught us to laugh again but god please don't let us forget that we once cried
* serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm
* AA may not solve all your problems but it is willing to share them
* it isn't the load that weighs us down------it's the way we carry it
* principles before personalities
* when u do all the talking you only learn what you already know
* the 7t's ---take time to think the thing through
* there are none too dumb for the AA program but many are too smart
* we all have another drunk left in us but we don't know if we have another recovery in us
* to be forgiven we must forgive
* when we surrender to our higher power, the journey begins
* the person with the most sobriety at a meeting is the one who got up earliest that morning
* knowledge of "the answers" never made anyone slip---it was failing to practice "the answers" known
* H.A.L.T.=don't get too hungry(h).......or too angry(a)......or too lonely(l) ........or too tire(t)
fear stands for Frustration
* the 12 steps tell us how it works; the 12 traditions tell us why it works.........
* AA won't ...........keep you from going to hell.............nor is it a ticket to heaven............but it will...........keep u sober long enough.........for you to make up your mind...............which way you want to go!
* if faith without works is dead; then .........willingness without action is fantasy
* when a person tries to control their drinking they have already lost control
* the task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us
* seven days without an aa meeting makes one WEAK
* you are not required to like it, you're only required to DO IT
* when wallowing in your self-pity ...... get off the cross we need the wood
* we in AA don't carry the alcoholic; we carry the message
* the results are in god's hand
* we are not human beings having spiritual experiences; we are spiritual beings having human experiences
* remember nothing is going to happen today that you and god can't handle
* when man listens, god speaks; when man obeys, god works
* don't watch the "slippers" but watch those who don't slip closely and watch them go through difficulties and pull through
* the 3 t's of gratitude to repay AA for our sobriety: our time, our talent, our treasure
* it's a pity we can't forget our troubles the same way we forget our blessings
* be careful what you pray for; you're liable to get it
* the time to attend a meeting is when you least feel like going
* work the program from the waist up
* AA is the highest priced club in the world.........if u have paid the dues, why not enjoy the benefits ?
* the first step is the only step a person can work perfectly
* the will of god will never take you where the grace of god will not protect you
* your big book is your sponsor too
* AA never opened the gates of heaven to let me in, AA did open the gates of hell to let me out
* the only thing we take from this world when we leave is what we gave away
* time wasted in getting even can never be used in getting ahead
* some people are so successful in AA that they turn out to be almost as good as they used to think they were when they were drinking
* sobriety delivers everything alcohol promised
* possibilities and miracles are one in the same
* get out of the driver's seat.......let go and let god
* how==honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness
* danger sign: when your eyes have wandered from the alcoholics who still suffers and needs help-----to the faults of those whom the program has already helped
* first we stayed sober because we have to............
then we stay sober because we are willing to..........
finally we stay sober because we want to.............
* slogans are wisdom written in shorthand
* active alcoholics don't have relationships; they take hostages
* everyday is a gift that is why we call it the present
* if you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere
* every recovery from alcoholism began with one sober hour
* each and every alcoholic----sober or not----teaches us some valuable lessons about ourselves and recovery
* we had to quit playing god
* don't compare---identify
* don't intellectualize----utilize
* RULE 62----don't take yourself so damn seriously!!!!!!!
* AA has a wrench to fit every nut that walks through a meeting room door
* living in the here and now
* how does one become an "old-timer" ? don't drink and don't die!
* AA spoils your drinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* faith is our greatest gift; its sharing with others our greatest responsibility
* if you want to drink-----that is your business
if you want to quit-------that is AA's business
* in a bar, we got sympathy-----as long as our money lasted.
in AA, we get understanding------for nothing!
* even my worst day in sobriety is better than my best day drunk
* the elevator is broken-------use the steps
* let it begin with me
* when all else fails.........the directions are in the big book
* trust god.........clean others
* anonymity is so important it's half of our name
* if we don't grow, we gotta go
* all you need to start your own AA meeting is a resentment and a coffee pot!!
* religion is for those who fear god.........spirituality is for those who have been to hell and back
* there are no atheists in foxholes
* three suggestions for making an AA speech:
* when you are a sponsor, you get out of yourself. if i serve, i will be served
* why recovery never ends: the disease is alcoholISM, not alcoholWASM!
* the AA way of life is meant to be bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions
* the smartest thing an AA member can say is, " help me "
* you are exactly where god wants you to be
* god will never give you more than you can handle
* slow but sure
* in AA we say a "coincidence" is a miracle in which god chooses to remain anonymous
* it takes the good and bad AA meeting----the good and bad AA talk -----to make this fellowship "work"
* give time .......time
* faith is a lighted doorway, but trust is a dark hall
* the lesson I must learn is simply that my control is limited to my own behavior, my own attitudes
* the AA paradoxes:
---from weakness(adversity) comes strength
---we forgive to be forgiven
---we give it away to keep it
---we suffer to get well
---we surrender to win
---we die to live
---from darkness comes light
---from dependence we found independence
* AA works for people who believe in god
AA works for people who don't believe in god
AA NEVER works for people who believe they ARE god
* just for today I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problems at once. I can do something for 12 hours that would appall me if i felt that i had to keep it up for a LIFETIME
* there are two days in every week which we have no control over----yesterday and tomorrow. today is the only day we can change.
* it is not the experience if today that drives people mad----it is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
* slippers in AA use the rdp---revolving door policy
* pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth
* god has no grand kids
* there is a god and I am not it
* the road to disappointment (resentment) is paved with expectation
* be nice to newcomers day they may be your sponsor
* denial is not a river in Egypt !
* guilt is the gift that keeps on giving
* the flip side to forgiveness is resentments
* there is no magic in recovery only miracles
* fear is the absences of faith
* courage is faith that has said its prayers
* depression is anger toward inward
* alcoholics heal from the outside in.........but feel from the inside out
* 3 A's in AA-----affection (thoughtfulness)
-----attention (listening)
-----appreciation (gratitude)
* if it is meant to be...........I can't stop it
if it isn't god's will ............I can't make it happen
there are AA members who MAKE things happen
there are AA members who WATCH things happen
there are AA members who DON'T KNOW anything happen
A few good quotes
o Sobriety is the leading cause of relapse
o This is a one-day-at-a-time program. If you are sober today, you are tied for first place
o If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic
o I often obsessively pursue feeling good ... no matter how bad it makes me feel
o When I was new, I didn't think I had any obsessions, until I started thinking about it. Then, it was all I could think about
o How come if alcohol kills millions of brain cells, it never killed the ones that made me want to drink?
o I never told a lie that wasn't TRUE!!!
o If God were small enough to understand, He wouldn't be big enough to be God
o If you want to quit drinking, you are going to have to quit drinking
o Newcomer: "How do I know how many meetings I should attend each week?"
Old-timer: "Gradually cut back until you drink. Then you'll know."
o If you're looking to have an image in AA, look around at the meetings you go to and take a look at who you're trying to impress
o I would rather go through life sober, believing I am an alcoholic, than go through life drunk, trying to convince myself that I am not
o The mind is a great servant ... but a lousy master
o The secret to the AA program is the first three words on page 112
o An alcoholic is a person who wants to be held while isolating
o Resentments are like stray cats: if you don't feed them, they'll go away
o A lot of members criticize newcomers for sharing in their first thirty days; what scares me are those bleeding deacons sharing in their last thirty days
o The difference between a problem drinker and an alcoholic is that when the alcohol is taken away from the problem drinker, the problem goes away. When the alcohol is taken away from the alcoholic, the problem begins
o Sponsee: "When will I get a good job?"
Sponsor: "When you are ready."
Sponsee: "How will I know I am ready?"
Sponsor: "You'll have a good job."
o It is the great obsession of every Al-Anon, that some day he or she will learn to control and enjoy their drinker
o I would rather be a sober ANYTHING than a drunk Somebody
o I drank when I was happy. I drank when I was unhappy. Actually, I am a reason to drink
o You don't have to be sick to want to get well. But if you don't want to get well, you ARE sick
o I can't do God's will my way
o In order to change the way we feel we need to change the way we act
o There is only one way to coast, and that is downhill
o The good news is you get your emotions back. The bad news is you get your emotions back
o All we ask is that you completely change your attitude as soon as possible
o Never put people in AA on a pedestal ... there's no room to dance
o I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all. But whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess
o Without memory, there is no healing. Without forgiveness, there is no future
o Our business is doing God's business. As long as we do God's business, whatever happens to us is none of our business. That's God's business
o It's not old behavior if I'm still doing it

A more few good quotes:
1. "Provided we strenuously avoid turning these realistic surveys of the facts of life into unrealistic alibis for apathy or defeatism, they can be the sure foundation upon which increased emotional health and therefore spiritual progress can be built." - Reprinted from As Bill Sees It p. 44 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
2. "We're not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition." - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous p. 85 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
3. "With few exceptions our members find that they have tapped on an unsuspected inner resource which they presently identify with their own conception of a power greater than themselves." - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous pp. 569 and 70 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
4. "With few exceptions our members find that they have tapped on an unsuspected inner resource which they presently identify with their own conception of a power greater than themselves." - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous pp. 569 and 70 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
5. "Why all this insistence that every AA must hit bottom first? The answer is that few people will sincerely tried to practice the AA program unless they have hit bottom. For practicing AA's remaining eleven steps means the adoption of attitudes and actions that almost no alcoholic who is still drinking can dream of taking." - Reprinted from 12 Steps and 12 Traditions page 24 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
6. "The trouble with us alcoholics was this: We demanded that the world give us happiness and peace of mind in just the particular order we wanted to get it-- by the alcohol route. And we weren't successful. But when we take the time to find out some of the spiritual laws, and familiarize ourselves with them, and put them into practice, then do we get happiness and peace of mind..... There seem to be some rules that we have to follow, but happiness and peace of mind are always here, open and free to anyone" - Reprinted from Dr. Bob and the Good Old-timers, p. 308 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
7. "By going back in our own drinking histories, we could show that years before we realized it we were out of control, that our drinking even then was no mere habit, that it was indeed the beginning of a fatal progression."- Reprinted fromTwelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 23 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
8. "Faith has to work twenty-four hours a day in and through us, or we perish." - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 16 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
9. "The primary fact that we fail to recognize is our total inability to form a true partnership with another human being." - Reprinted from Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, p. 53 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
10. No words can tell of the loneliness and despair I found in that bitter morass of self-pity. Quicksand stretched around me in all directions. I had met my match. I had been overwhelmed. Alcohol was my master. - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous , p.8 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
11. "When working with a man and his family, you should take care not to participate in their quarrels. You may spoil your chance of being helpful if you do." -- - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 100 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.,
12. "As we felt new power flow in, as we enjoyed peace of mind, as we discovered we could face life successfully, as we became conscious of His presence, we began to lose our fear of today, tomorrow or the hereafter. We were reborn. - Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 63 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.
13. You may already have asked yourself why it is that all of us became so very ill from drinking. Doubtless you are curious to discover how and why, in the face of expert opinion to the contrary, we have recovered from a hopeless condition of mind and body. If you are an alcoholic who wants to get over it, you may already be asking--"What do I have to do?" Reprinted from Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 20 with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.


 Gratitude = Happiness!

MIP Old Timer

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Permalink speakers and step study

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 18th of August 2011 11:37:17 PM



"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."


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Howdy, this has been an excellent informative article! I definitely appreciate all of your wisdom. Thanks alot .

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Website Links To Recovery Based Sites, AA Speaker tapes, etc Non-Commercial (multi-purpose stickey thread)

Thanks for starting this StPeteDean.  Here is an article from a blog I frequent.  It talks about the symptoms of alcoholism.  Pretty good read and a good gauge for those of you here who are trying to figure out if you need help.

When we talk about people with drinking problems, we can be referring to either alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence (alcoholism). Both are what might be referred to as problem drinking, but are in fact different in other ways, sometimes significantly so.

Alcoholism is a condition in which the alcoholic has is physically addicted to alcohol and continues to drink in spite of the related issues or fallout from drinking, from health to employment to relationships to reputation. Alcohol abuse shares many of the same symptoms as alcohol dependence, but without the aspect of physical addiction.

Here is a checklist for yourself or for someone in your life to use in determining whether alcoholism (actual physical dependence on alcohol) could be an issue in your life. How many of these statements would you or they say describe something going for you right now?:

  • You often drink more than you wanted or planned to.
  •  Once you start drinking, you feel that you lose control over the amount and time of drinking involved.
  • Sometimes you think youd like to quit drinking, but you cant.
  • Alcohol comes first, sometimes and maybe even often before other commitments, hobbies and/or people.
  • You find yourself spending a lot of time thinking about alcohol when you are not under its influence.
  • You have felt shame or guilt about your drinking habits and experiences.
  • Regular responsibilities at work, school or home, for instance, have fallen out of priority or seem to fall by the wayside.
  • Friends, colleagues or family members have discussed the possibility of you having a drinking problem.
  • You tell stories and sometimes outright lie to yourself and others about the extent of your need and desire for alcohol.
  • I often drink alcohol alone and/or cannot be in a social situation without drinking alcohol.
  • You are drinking or feeling the effects of drinking more than not.
  • You are unable to relax or let loose without drinking.
  • You have blacked out as a direct result of drinking alcohol.
  • You acknowledge that drinking is affecting your life in negative ways (perhaps in your relationships, your job, your physical health but you continue to drink, sometimes more than before.
  • You have driven under the influence of alcohol and/or you have experienced legal issues related to drinking and driving.
  •  The only way to feel better when in the throes of a hangover is to drink more.

In addition to these signs, there are other alcohol-related symptoms that commonly include:
    Sweating, often profusely
    Nausea, with or without vomiting
    Loss of appetite

In severe cases of alcoholism and alcohol withdrawal, symptoms can also include hallucinations or seizures.

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Saturday 19th of November 2011 07:35:23 PM


MIP Old Timer

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AA History Timeline   

Link -


"AA History Timeline

With in-depth information and photos on Alcoholics Anonymous

This Alcoholics Anonymous History Timeline began while serving as editor of the Sobriety Calendar from 2003 through 2005.  Organizing the calendars past A.A. history (Started by Charlie Bishop Jr. and currently published by Northern NORMA Corp.) making corrections and including new material involved much time researching the accuracy of the information provided.  Recently I have decided to make information available from my files for a growing A.A. database of historical dates for all scholars, archivists, or anyone with an interest in the history of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Contributions of historical dates with references are welcome.  The A.A. dates of interest here will include links with information and photos related to its topic. "

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Wednesday 30th of November 2011 08:29:09 AM


 Gratitude = Happiness!

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Hi I am in search of a speaker link to someone named Yvonne S. Letting Go.

Please if someone is able to link something for me I would very much appreciate it. Thanks.

Keep happy the AA way. :]


new found friends are our rock.

MIP Old Timer

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AA, Alanon, recovery speakers.



"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."

MIP Old Timer

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-- Edited by StPeteDean on Thursday 2nd of August 2012 11:59:30 PM


 Gratitude = Happiness!


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Thank you. How does one get a speaker tape? Sorry I could not find how to view/request one. It would be great for a CD to listen to while driving, etc. yawn


MIP Old Timer

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Hey Sooze, ... I just went to the tape sites and 'downloaded' the speaker I wanted ... then I simply recorded it to disc on the computer ... (or CD) ... your computer must have a Read/Write disc option ...


P.S.   If you have trouble, just PM StPeteDean


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'


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Permalink has my favorite step study guide!


Also this site is coming soon but it will allow AA members to do their 

spot check inventories, journals, gratitude list, etc:


MIP Old Timer

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Too tired, bored, read the Big Book? You can listen to it here, free of course. Indexed by chapter.  biggrin

-- Edited by StPeteDean on Friday 23rd of November 2012 11:27:45 PM


 Gratitude = Happiness!

MIP Old Timer

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Posts: 12357

Thanks Dean ... think I'll post this to my 'mailbox' ... I think it'll come in handy ...


'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'


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This is a great site where AA members create an online diaries. They can share these diaries with their sponsor, sponsees, support groups or keep it private. There are many recovery tools such as gratitude list, serenity worksheet, stepwork, intentions, tags, etc. It is a free service.


"Surrender is the yeilding rather than the opposing to the flow of life" - Eckhard Tolle

your free twelve-step private or shared diaries


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Wonderful stuff at, all based on original AA Multilith



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myRecovery is a social networking and resource site for people in alcohol and drug recovery. If offers online AA, NA, Al-Anon, and guest speaker video meetings, one of the largest databases of local 12 step meetings, recovery related audio and videos, groups, forums, assessments, news, and a ton of other stuff to help in the recovery process.

myRecovery - Online AA Meetings


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Hello, Folks! I wonder if you can help me find a specific tape. I don't have a whole lot of information, but I used to listen to a friend's copy, and it was very helpful to me. It was sometime before November 2007. I got the feeling it was maybe the late 1990's or early/mid 2000's. The man was speaking at some kind of big conference, perhaps some annual event. He was going through the 12 steps from the perspective of an atheist or agnostic, and talking about how they came to make sense to him. There was some joke about ants. His story about the Sixth Step was this analogy: Your neighbor's dog poops in your yard. You hate it and complain about it and it is ruining your yard. Your neighbor on the other side comes and offers to take it from you and use it as fertilizer in his garden to grow roses. And you say, "No. It's mine!" and keep it. He also told a story about two people who escape from an asylum together and go swimming. He talks about standing at the foot of a huge dam and feeling the weight of the water it was holding back. And he talked about how many times he tried to get sober and finding the rehab that would finally help him, but being skeptical of it, saying, "I've been far better places than this." If any of this rings a bell with you, please drop me a line at I have asked around and tried to get in touch with the man who loaned me the tape, and I have had no luck. You have no idea what it would mean to me. Many thanks. :)



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Look like he for got to add the link to those quotes... I found them here... looks like they added a few more slogans,,, ED

-- Edited by GrampaEd on Friday 17th of May 2013 08:30:55 AM



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Permalink has speaker tapes that stream easily over mobile phones  :)



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RE: Website Links To Recovery Based Sites, AA Speaker tapes, etc

I'm a recovering alcoholic and have three years sober.  I decided to create a website that shows the benefits of being sober because most of the media portrayal of thealcoholic is so negative.  The website is  I am incredibly excited about it!  I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about this website!



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Just wanted to add one more link here. We have a Speaker meeting in Seattle and we post the talks Weekly of our two Speakers. We do not use Names, but instead post as the date of the Talk.  Our speakers tend to be more of the "everyman" type as opposed to circuit speakers. All Talks are downloadable.



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It says temporarily down when I try going to Ur website

Joni McCullough/Stach


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achievesobriety wrote:

I'm a recovering alcoholic and have three years sober.  I decided to create a website that shows the benefits of being sober because most of the media portrayal of thealcoholic is so negative.  The website is  I am incredibly excited about it!  I'd love to hear what anyone has to say about this website!

 I tried going to Ur webpage but it's temporarily down

Joni McCullough/Stach


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My wife and I produce Recovery-Based gifts here in Snohomish, WA. It's called "Signs Of Recovery".

We invite you to join our progress on this journey, offer your support and feedback, let us know what things you may like to see us create and offer, and expand our friends in recovery network.

Please visit our Facebook page and join us at

We look forward to seeing you there!

Everyone enjoy celebrating another day sober!!!!!

Chris and Tova M.

Chris Miller Signs of Recovery Snohomish, WA


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I tried going there too, but it wasn't up and running...

Must be working on it.

Chris Miller Signs of Recovery Snohomish, WA


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First time here! Can't recommend YouTubes by (I believe this is accurate) Odontology highly enough.

Put "AA Speaker meetings" into YouTube search bar - hundreds of speaker meetings, and a collection just for women.

I fall asleep listening to a speaker meeting!

(Ya'll likely know about this, but it was new to me!)


MIP Old Timer

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Welcome Stevie, ...

and Thanks for your post ... us old folks need to keep up with the ever changing resources that come available ... I still carry some old AA speaker 'cassette tapes' in my truck, LOL ... they're 'bout wore out ... Good to know I can just pull up some speaker tapes from 'youtube' ... never thought of trying that ... Thanks ...


Love ya and God Bless,



'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'


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I am not sure if I am allowed to post this as I own the website it is on. This book is the pre-publication draft manuscript, original manuscript, or so-called *Multilith Edition* of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. There were 400 mimeographed copies made in December of 1938, which were sold for $ 3.50. The money was used to help fund the printing of the first edition, and also to receive feedback on the manuscript before the official first printing. Many of these books were returned with editorial notes. There were few changes between the original manuscript and the first edition, which was published in 1939. It was also never copy-written and due to it's age is now public domain.

We thought it was important to preserve the original work.



Serenity Rehab Thailand

MIP Old Timer

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Thanks WD, ... and welcome to MIP ...



'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'


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