For most of us, theres always a long to do list. Thats a fact.
And its easy to feel victimized. Poor me! Thats not a fact thats a choice.
Experiment with your life to explore how much your mind is your jailer. Simply let go of the oh woe kinds of thoughts. Silence your mind. Be right here, right now. Decide what you will do now and do it, without buying in to the minds sob story. When one task is done, you can then choose another.
Allowing the mind to agonize about the size of the to do list just makes us tired before we even get started. It doesnt have to be this way.
Don't water your weeds.
-- Harvey Mackay
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."
How very true Chris! Man, I have that "to do" list always and the only way to keep it from causing depression and the "woe is me's" is to do just as stated: Have at one task and on to the next without a thought to the whole. It works. Thanks kid...Tim
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
Hi Chris, This could even be extended to the size of the thing to do (not just the quantity) or a situation that I want to obssess about . . . but there is actually nothing I can do about it. This was a really-great-timing-for-me post. I've been pretty fixated on a situation that I have no control over this weekend and it's just tearing me up. Not real bad kind, but enough to cause me some pain. I've got to let go and let God/HP . . . Oh, ha ha, I get how your post and my situation is connected to the steps now. And the lights go on . . . Laura (I love this place)