Feel free to mention if any movies are "tied" but try to get it down to just three if you can... It took quite a bit of thinking before I came up with this list but if there were any three movies that I'd reccomend anyone to go see within their lifetime it would be the following:
1) Fight Club 2) Equilibrium 3) Blue Man Group - The Complex Tour Live
Those're prolly the order I'd reccomend them in but they're all incredibly worth-while in my eyes... So what's your opinion? What would you say your three movie reccomendations would be for any given person?
Deer Hunter/One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest Godfather Ghost Dog
Runners up:
The Boxer Sins of my Father Shanghai Triad Apocolypse Now Full Metal Jacket A River Runs Through it Cider House Rules Dead Man Requiem For a Dream True Romance Pulp Fiction Leon (The Professional) La Jetee Big Wednesday Brother...
I could go on all night. But really the books are so much better. Love Song for Bobby Long (the movie) doesn't even make the list IMHO- but the book (Off Magazine Street) was way outstanding. Godfather makes the list either way. My book list is in some ways a lot the same as my movies, but I think I like better books and I like a lot of movies that have funky, quirky idiosyncracies.
"It's A Wondeful Life" NOT for a Chsitmas movie, but for learning how one unknowingly affects the lives of others and the true impact your existence makes in your allotted time here on earth.
As above: "Cool Hand Luke" for perseverance. I particularly love the part where Luke's holding the turtle: "...deader'n hell, but he's still hanging on."
"Star Wars" The "force" is real, whatever term you wish to use for it, and you KNOW it when it's with you or you are with it. Tim
-- Edited by timverton at 15:33, 2007-04-09
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
1. It's a Wonderful Life - with Jimmy Stewart, though the remake is good too. I bought it to play whenever I feel like he did,, that my life is a failure and nothing I've done counts for much, and I get suicidal the same way. It encourages me that even thought MY plans have failed, things have worked out that some good things have been done along the way, that have been good in ways that I don't always appreciate.
2. Good Will Hunting - about a young man who is not reaching his full potential. The key line in the whole thing, "it's not your fault', is something I need to hear now and again.
3. Man of La Mancha - based on Don Quixote, by Cervantes. The theme song 'To Dream the Impossible Dream' is one of my all time favorite songs. The idea here, for me, is that we need to stay on our 'quest' toward our ideals, even if no one else understands and thinks we are crazy. Even the real craziness might be better than the stark realities of this world faced with only cynicism. Also,, his belief in the woman , Aldonza who is a prostitute, which encourages her to grow and become his "Lady" is helpful for people like us.. transforming from drunks into recovering people who can have dignity and live 'good' lives.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
1) Pride and Prejudice (A&E/BBC) 2) Persuasion (BBC) 3) I'm still waiting for another movie to make me want to watch it over and over and over and over and over and over again like the first two movies listed.
(Love reading the novels as well . . . though I don't know if they'd be in my top fave 3 novel list . . . mmmmm . . . well, maybe Pride and Prejudice . . . maybe)
Off the top of my head 1) Fiddler on the Roof 2) Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 3) The Devils Rejects ( this is the most crazy, freighting movie ever) nothing like #1 or # 2 Take Care Nancy Jo
Life is full of ups and downs
But the faces of love will
ease the pain and suffering
from:My Mother