Since I've been in A.A., have I made a start towards becoming more loving towards my family and friends? Do I visit my parents? Am I more appreciative of my spouse than I was before? Am I grateful to my family for having put up with me? Have I found real understanding with my children? Do I feel that the friends I've found in A.A. are real friends? Do I believe that they are always ready to help me and do Iwant to help them if I can? Do I really care now about other people?
Meditation for the Day ~
Not what you do so much as what you are, that is the miracle-working power. You can be a force for good, with the help of God. God is here to help you and to bless you, here to company with you. You can be a worker with God. Changed by God's grace, you shed one garment of the spirit for a better one. In time, you throw that one aside for a yet finer one. And so from character to character, you are gradually transformed.
Prayer for the Day ~
I pray that I may accept every challenge. I pray that each acceptance of a challenge may make me grow into a better person.
24 Hours a Day ~ 1st April 2007
Thought for the Day ~
Since I've been in A.A. have I made a start towards becoming more honest? Do I no longer lie to my loved ones? Do I try to have meals on time, and do I try to earn what I make at work? Am I trying to be honest? Have I faced myself as I really am and have I admitted to myself that I'm no good by myself, but have to rely on God to help me do the right thing? Am I beginning to find out what it means to be alive and to face the world honestly and without fear?
Meditation for the Day ~
God is all around us. His spirit pervades the universe. And yet we often do not let His spirit in. We try to get along without His help and we make a mess of our lives. We can do nothing of any value without God's help. All our human relationships depend on this. When we let God's spirit rule our lives, we learn how to get along with others and how to help them.
Prayer for the Day ~
I pray that I may let God run my life. I pray that I will never again make a mess of my life through trying to run it myself.
24 Hours a Day ~ 31st March 2007
Thought for the Day ~
Since I've been in A.A., have I made a start towards being more unselfish? Do I no longer want my own way in everything? When things go wrong and I can't have what I want, do I no longer sulk? Am I trying not to waste money on myself? And does it make me happy to see my family and my home have enough attention from me? Am I trying not to be all "get" and no "give"?
Meditation for the Day ~
Each day is a day of progress, steady progress forward, if you make it so. You may not see it, but God does. God does not judge by outward appearance. He judges by the heart. Let Him see in your heart a simple desire always to do His will. Though you may feel that your work has been spoiled or tarnished, God sees it as an offering for Him. When climbing a steep hill, people are often more conscius of the weakness of their stumbling feet than of the view, the grandeur, or even of the upward progress.
Prayer for the Day ~
I pray that I may persevere in all good things. I pray that I may advance each day in spite of my stumbling feet.
24 Hours a Day ~ 30th March 2007
Thought for the Day ~
Before I met A.A., I was very unloving. From the time I went away to school, I paid very little attention to my mother and father. I was on my own and didn't even bother to keep in touch with them. After I got married, I was very anappreciative of my spouse. Many a time I would go out all by myself to have a good time. I paid too little attention to our children and didn't try to understand them or show them affection. My few friends were only drinking companions, not real friends. Have I gotten over loving nobody but myself?
Meditation for the Day ~
Be calm, be true, be quiet. Do not get emotionally upset by anything that happens around you. Feel a deep, inner security in the goodness and purpose in the universe. Be true to your highest ideals. Do not allow yourself to slip back into the old ways of reacting. Stick to your spiritual guns. Be calm always. Do not talk back or defend yourself too much against accusation, whether true or false. Accept criticism as well as you accept praise. Only God can judge the real you.
Prayer for the Day ~
I pray that I may not be upset by the judgement of others. I pray that I may let God be the judge of the real me.
(Let it be a God or Higher Power of your own understanding)
Progress not perfection.. & Practice makes Progress!