Well, all, it's been a LONG week.....My ex husband had one of his hips replaced on Wed., the surgery went very well, but he's looking at a long recovery just to go back in and have the other hip done......My b/f left Thursday night for his mother's, 150mi away, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had a complete hystorectomy on Friday, she's 71. While there he finds out his 98 yr old grandma has cervical cancer, so they are just trying to keep her comfortable till it's 'time'......My son is doing very well in private school, his grades are A's and B's BUT, he is still having trouble with coming home on the weekends and is usually no where to be found! ARRRGGHHH! .......... AND to top it all off I have a head cold from HELL! It's been gearing up since Tues and was full blown by Friday, yesterday was awful, and this morning is not much better. I just can't seem to shake it! Thank God it's Sunday and I don't have to work.......whine, whine, whine.......I know.........but I believe in the power of prayer and just wanted to request that you add the above to yours............thanks for letting me share.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
You all, on these boards, are always in my prayers. I'll say a special one today. We aren't promised a rose garden, but the coping tools to deal with whatever happens.
God bless you and your family,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time