When I first came to AA, my biggest resentment was toward my ex-husband, for oh so many reasons. Even though we'd been divorced for many years, I just could not let some things go. He & I had always promised to be 'friendly' but once I got into the program we no longer had anything in common!(imagine that!). I finally just had to cut him off completely. I couldnt' stand the ridicule he spouted, the finger pointing he enjoyed so much, but mostly the fact that I would one day have to make amends to a man that I continued, for a while, to blame for my drinking and my screwed up life! I wanted desperately for him to get sober, too. I wanted him to learn how wonderful living without alcohol is. He is, after all, a wonderful man when his mind and body are not filled with booze. A suggestion was given that I pray for him to be given the gift of desperation. It makes sense to me, only when I became so desperate did I make that first step into the rooms of AA. Sooooo, I've been praying for him for quite some time now. He called yesterday to say he got his first DUI and asked me would I take him to a meeting! It's of course court ordered AA, but hey! who cares! It's a start, right!
I have learned to be thankful for answered prayers. And to be careful of what I ask for (hee, hee)
Thanks for letting me share.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
wow! That's a blessing in disguise, isn't it? I'm so glad you were able to let God do it His way and in His time. Patience now. He may or may not get enthusiastic about court ordered meetings, but even if he doesn't look like he benefits at first,,, that's how a lot of us were, and a seed planted that grows underground for a bit. I'm so glad to hear that he came to you to ask. Thata means your recovery is showing .
God bless you,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Good morning Jen! That is interesting. Have your prayers been answered? It seems he is just beginning to find out about some of the serious "collateral damage" that drinking can have, aside from the health issues. And who does he turn to? Someone he trusts to help him? Coooool. I hope it works out for him. With you assisting, he has a great start. Enjoy your in-service...Tim
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."