and check in, some know I haven't been able to get many meetings due to working nites shift with work. Been doing alot of soul search lately and well lets put it this way, still sober. There is a few things I've been having trouble dealing with and well just hanging in there and talkin to my HP and stayin close by em. Also called my sponser this morning, to check in with her, she's always managed to have the right thing to say when I need it.
I've put a few posts up and still dealing with that as well, slow process but it's one day at a time, considerin a few changes hopefully for the better in do time.
Until than, to damn stubborn to fall back into my old habits, that's on a positive note, check in later
Happy to hear, tina..........I have learned when I have trouble dealing, I'm not working a very good program...or it's time to take another get your rear to a meeting, sounds as if you need one.
Love and hugs, girl!
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.