In life we will go through many transformations. During these periods of reconstruction and rebirth we come into a fuller awareness of who we are, and what we can become. A couple of images come to mind, that of the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, or of the phoenix bird rising out of its own ashes to begin again. Many times our transformation processes are challenging. We are pushed to leave behind the old familiar ways so that we might grow wings and reach new heights. As a new butterfly emerges from its cocoon, it must struggle. It is a seemingly difficult process, but without this effort, the butterfly's wings would not become strong enough to allow it to fly.
Often we resist transformation when it tries to make its way into our lives, seeing only the challenges and not recognizing the amazing gifts that await us on the other side of the process. Other times we have no choice but metamorphosis, it becomes a matter of life or death. Whatever the circumstances, recognize the blessings that come through life's transformation cycles. Without change growth is not possible. Embrace change and spread your wings.
Today's Exercise:
What areas in your life are you feeling compelled to reform? What beliefs/emotions/ fears may be standing in your way? Face this challenge head on and allow yourself to be stretched to new heights.
"Without change, growth is not possible". And we all know how much we love change, right? But when I look back at any major transition in my life, no matter how I struggled with it, or how painful it felt, the end result was inevitably positive. I'm not certain whether the struggle is a part of the growth or not, or another lesson in surrender....wren
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."