I go to mostly the Al-anon part of this website, and I was wondering if you AA's might come together and find out a way to help me.
My A let me read a story in the 4th edition on the BB. I started out with the part of How it works they read in meetings. I cannot to this alone.
Does ANYONE out there have copies of the AA big book or any tapes speaker, etc on AA they might copy and send to me. I am desperate. I am low on money--disability, etc, Ill health keeps me glued to the Al-anon site and I I have a sponsor. I am going to call local AA too, but I am just putting the word out, hoping someone will help me.
Private message me if you have anything to add, etc.
As an Alanoner, I went to an open AA meeting and they gave me one for free. Also, I go to http://www.xa-speakers.org/ and download the AA or Alanon speakers. I have found many used books at our used bookstore. Our Alanon group has a tape library that they loan out.