the only sure thing in life is dad's funeral was on thursday...i have always liked the way the salvation army guys put it when one of their own passes "promoted to glory". i like to think of dad as being that.i moved into my new place while this was going on too. its a beautiful place. the help and support ive recieved has moved me to tears many times, and its been very emotional. going through my stuff as i unpack ive found many things that i havent seen in quite is a newspaper article about a friend of mine that od' in 92. i miss him. i miss my dad. im more grateful than ever for the people in my life, god just keeps sending them. i watched the sun set on dads funeral day, it was a beautiful sunny windy day. as the sun sank into the horizon, i said goodbye. good bye to my dad, Boyd Ray a suffering addict who did his best, forever more the setting sun.