I got hungry tonight, went to digging around in the deep freezer. I just made the last payment on this damned thing, 400 total. (Freezer coils wrap all the way around. It's big enough to live in. It rocks.) And the only thing of mine in it was ground beef and two corn dogs.
For months, I got plenty of satisfaction just looking at it, opening and closing it, and showing it to every one who screws up and come in the house. The bright ones quickly and enthusiastically agree, it is, indeed, a kick-ass deep freezer. If they aren't very bright, it can get ugly. That's wearing off. So I started putting stuff in it, instead of the refrigerator.
The deal is though, when I buy something, I eat it. If I buy a gallon of ice cream, it's gone the next day. If I get 12 corndogs, I will eat ten. And then 2 is not enough to do anything with. So I had 2 corn dogs. and ground beef.
So I get the beef out, dump it a pan, turn the stove on. Poked around, came up with a bag of potatoes. So I put two and two together. Three pounds of potatoes and three pounds of beef. What can go wrong with that?
Well, when my Dad showed up from NM for Christmas, one of the first things he did was hand me a jar of home brewed habanero salsa from Texas. I quickly and enthusiastically agreed it was pretty kick-ass, and put it in the fridge.
So I have ground beef, potatoes, and I figure I outta mix something else in. Dig in the fridge. There, next to the ketchup, was the salsa. I put the whole jar in. It was good. I ate half, stowed half for dinner tommorrow, and headed for bed. The end.
Not quite. Strange things started happening. First, my left eyelid started twitching. That's odd, I thought, not a customer in sight. Then, there was a disturbance of the force. My stomach switched places with my liver, and it did it quick.
Then the rumbling started. The last time this happened, it was bacon. I came across a ten pound box of bacon for ten bucks in mayflower, and pictured it sitting in my deep freezer. And I did the same thing with it. Fried up a few pounds, found a couple cans of spinach to mix in. It was a good idea in my head.
And the time I tried this:(some of yall might remember) 1 can trappys blackeye peas w/jalapeno 1 good squirt sriracha sauce 1 good squirt lime juice 1 good pinch parsely 1 good pinch garlic powder
The thing I learned about recipes, is you write one AFTER you come up with something decent.
So, what the hell is this all about, Ryan, you ask?
My ex wanted a deep freezer too, so we got one. We were in the same shape, though, with not much to put in it. One thing that helps to save electricity is to put trays and bags of ice cubes in it. The ice cube trays keep each other cold, and so the freezer deosn't run so much for lack of food.
My dad got a deep freezer when we were kids too. We did fill that one up. We bought food in bulk that was on sale. Not just one gallon of ice cream, but 5 when it was half price. Meat the same way,, when meat goes on sale, buy a lot, cut it or separate it, wrap it in freezer paper and put the date on it so you don't end up keeping it over 2 months, and the stock rotates. My mom would make extra for dinner,, like double or triple,, and would freeze the extra for another day, and she wouldn't have to cook then.
I remember it was soooo cold that our tongues would stick to popsicles.
Well,, there is a sayng about March, that maybe goes for a New Year too... if it comes in lke a lion, it goes out like a lamb.
Easy does it, my friend,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time