My spouse (now sober) loves to critique restaurants, fried chicken. It's always, "This is the best chicken I've ever had." Five weeks later, it will be someone elses that's the best. This chicken isn't so good, doesn't measure up to Joe's place. On and on, it goes! What's this all about?
He's entitled to his opinion, but sometimes I feel like this is always going on----ON MY TIME! I wish he had a job as a movie, restaurant critic sometimes, and get paid for it!
Sounds kinda like a form of perfectionism. I didn't think I used to be a perfectionist cause nothing I did was ever good enough to even be remotely considered perfect, that was exactly my problem, it wasn't perfect so it wasn't good enough. Whenever we grade things we diminish our enjoyment of living in the present. You might suggest that he work on 6 & 7 but that would probably just stir up trouble. Good luck Bob.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
Ah, T, but then you'd have to have a special board made. I know, nuthin' says luvin' like somethng from the oven. Or frying pan. I'm a KFC junky, thank the gods that the closest fast food place is over an hour away...But if the Colonel ever gives me his recipe, Ron and I are doomed to the chubs. Right now, I'm the only one that cooks, so I keep a firm hand on watching our nutrition. I'm a firm believer in Holistic Health, and we are what we eat. but lord, I am truly powerless over fried chicken. Fried fish. Fried prawns. And gumbo.....chris
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."
I used to be a wine connoiseur,,, yes,, a connoiseur of fine wines. And then I branched out into brandies, and vermouth.
Now I like to try out vaarious ethnic restaurants. I live in an eastern city where there are all kinds of ethnic restaurants - Italian, Greek, Mexican, Jamaican, Dominican, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Soulfood, Cajun, and I'm looking for new ones.
I also like to find simple ethnic recipes that I can try out. I found one for Cajun style chicken livers that is really good.
I also get into the difference between Popeye's, KFC, and mom's, and the little place up the street. I like Popeye's, and those biscuits are the best in the world!
I don't see anything wrong with this. No hangover, I remember what happened last night. Well, I have gained a couple of pounds.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Thanks for the perspectives! Yep, could be lookin' for perfect.....Could be him wanting perfection or wishin' he was! At least it probably doesn't mean anything tooooooooo negative! Thanks!