Children, Parents, Families of addicts and alcoholics.
I am requesting stories in the following categories. I am seeking those shares for a book called: “Please Understand.” The reason for I am writing this book those in our lives that don’t understand what we are going through. I sit meeting after meeting and this seems to be a big issue among us. They don’t understand why we did something or caused the pain we have. And, with your help I pray that we can change that. Not only for ourselves, but for that addict or alcoholic that still suffers.
Please choose one of the categories below and send in a share based on that category.
CHILDREN: Based on a child or children who have been effected by your using.
PARENTS: Based on what you as a child felt due to a parent using
DADDY DEAREST: Based on fathers who have children who have been effected by your using. Or the way your using has effected a father.
MOM’S HEART: Based on mothers who have children who have been effected by your using. Or the way your using has effected a mother.
MY SISTER MY BROTHER: Based on watching a brother or sister using. Or the effect of your using, on a brother or sister.
FRIEND OR FOE: Based on the fears of being without friends. And/or how your using has effected your friendships.
GRANDPARENTS: Based on seeing a cycle if using among your children and their children.
MY BELOVED: Based on husband or wife using. Wanting them to stop to save your family. Or the effect on your relationship with your significant other.
PLEASE FORGIVE ME: Based on amends that were made, but rejected. Because, they felt you would never change.
You're welcome to use anything I've written here, but I think you are probably looking for something with a beginning and an end and a sort of moral. If you see something I might be able to expand on and polish up to fit your needs (within the some limits) I'd be happy to help you out.
Unfortunately most of what I write has tended to imitate life and is (thus far) dark and bleak and does not lend itself towards happy endings.