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MIP Old Timer

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Posts: 2063
The Way It used To Be....(Long One)

Those veils and masks I put on to hide and conceal the real me. The cover up and disguises I habitually use; the excuses, delaying tactics, addictions and control. All the deceptions, in part or in whole, that camouflage and conceal my real self. When considered as a whole, their multiplicity represents a total shield about me, complete with fortifications. I have built and committed myself to my own prison, yet I do not realize.

Examples of egos are: justifying, pretending to be who I am not, being jealous or envious, belittling others, denying, avoidance, fear, blaming, curtness, desire, lust, greed, indulgence, laziness, righteous indignation, self pride, manipulation, attention grabbing, possessiveness, judging and so on and so on. They are a private collection that I have accumulated through my lifetime.

I define egos to include all thoughts, characteristics, patterns and excuses that in some feature or another I use, intentionally or unknowingly, to avoid being in the company of love.

There are armies of egos within my mind, constantly battling amongst themselves at the expense of my being. They are present in all of us in varying amounts, each person being different. They are usually easier to see in others than in self. They are coverings of my own making that stop me from outwardly being whom I am. They are the enemies of love. I live with so many of these deceptions. Each hinders me from living my reality, my truth. No wonder love seems so remote.

No ego has the ability to make me spiritually happy. Egos are the chaos merchants, the ones that like confusion and creating problems. They are the source of the turmoils of my life, each blaming and causing resentment. They are the antagonists who manifest themselves at the expense of my soul. Egos are clever enough to put the love within me to sleep. They cover my soul attempting to bury it. They constantly endeavour to devour my true essence; they block me from seeing who I really am. As I give power to an ego, I lose. They are not to be taken lightly.

The more of these egos I carry, the heavier I find life, although they will always tell me otherwise. The less the egos, the lighter I am, the more I am free. Egos gain my attention by offering me a way to allow them to control my mind, tricking me into thinking that it is for my best and that this is what life is all about. But egos deny me access to my rightful life, they are addicted to me and I, unwittingly, am addicted to them. Each tries to dominate in one way or another. They expand their purpose with the sole intention of being uppermost in my thinking. Thus they divert me from being who I really am. Egos are only interested in self survival and at the expense of anyone and anything, including me. Each of their aims is supremacy and they would have me bound. They are intent on satisfying their own selfish needs. Each time I have a thought other than love, I encourage an ego.

Should I be addicted to cigarettes, then to some extent cigarettes control me. If I am addicted to alcohol, indulgence, possessions, pride, culture, dominating, drugs, loftiness, authority, or whatever, then each is constantly battling to impose itself over me in an ongoing effort to gain supremacy. Egos demand urgent fulfilment, each warring one with another and ruthlessly vying to be in the top spot. In total they are out to dominate me. They would have me believe that they are searching for answers and solutions to assist me through life, but in fact it is just their way of being satisfied at the expense of my truth and life. There are legions of egos within me, addictions that are at war to maintain their own selfish desires. As I feed an ego, it becomes stronger as it strives to consume me. My soul knows about my egos, but I am so busy associating with them that I ignore my core being. This is to the egos’ delight.

When I see egos in others I may be attracted to them and adopt them. As others see egos in me they likewise may become attached and accept them into their own lives. Others may dump egos on me and I may dump on others. Dumping itself is a key ego as I dump or off load my perceived attitudes and problems onto another. As I masquerade behind my egos it serves to help them multiply and strengthen. No ego is trivial, they all cause pain.

Amongst them are many tricksters, they will tell me that judgement is necessary, they will deceive me: they will categorize and justify their desires at my expense. They encourage me to criticise and distract me from the truth. They divert me from love. All this and so much more, while at the same time convincing me that I need them. By their nature they teach me about greed, blame, impatience, possession, ungratefulness, suspicion, superiority, guilt and their kin. Egos fight with egos in an ongoing battle in their effort to control. In combination their intent is to blind me from love. They are all interested in self-survival at the expense of anyone and anything, especially me. Deviously they collectively drive me away from my real existence, from being who I truly am. Their objective is to eclipse my spirit, clouding my fundamental nature, blocking out its light. The very consideration of allowing love to become supreme within me is contrary to an ego’s nature and abhorrent to each and every one of them. They convince me that I lack, that I don’t own enough. Each aims for supremacy and they would have me bound as I desperately try to satisfy their needs. They are the one’s that cause me hurt and pain as they strive to create separation and limitation. They are parasites living off me that contrive, control, command, dominate, invent, divide, concoct, hatch, scheme; that do anything to achieve their advantage. I recognize some of them but I little realise their cost to my soul. They turn me into their slave as I join in their disputes. My mind is constantly involved in their altercations and bickering. My soul is the victim; my very being is the casualty of their squabbling. The chatter of my mind is the chattering of the egos who are drowning out the feelings of my soul. In this conflict my very essence is at risk. My mind is subjected to the wrangling company of all these egos and there is no acceptable environment for love to properly develop within me. Anything I say or do that is not loving is pampering to an ego. The ego asks: "What can I get?" Love asks: "What can I give?"

Yet I have allowed all this. These veils are of my hanging, the masks are of my making; these are the patterns I have sanctioned. I defend so many egos that I feed a feeding frenzy; not even recognising what I am doing. I have allowed egos to blind my vision to the extent that I have difficulty recognising love even though it is steadfastly ever present. It is not surprising that love sometimes seems so distant. My life thus far has been a process of collecting these egos, these pretences, these deceptions. I hide behind them at the expense of my life and my soul.

So let go of the old ways and excuses such as confusion, time wasting, lies, moans, hostilities, denials, resentments, upsets, deviousness, guilt, helplessness, negativity, annoyance, diversions, frustration, fear, hurt, mistrust, pain, resentment, sadness, upsets, battles, arguing, resistance, arrogance, pride, conceit, selfishness, self importance, denials, conceit, self centredness, spite, arrogance, all these obsessions and more. In their vacated space create harmony, joy, happiness, singing, music, laughter, and be loving. Bring forth my true ability to reveal my love given qualities of service, abundance, expansion, dedication, discipline, balance, direction, devotion, guidance, increase, genuineness, truth, focus, spontaneity, freedom, openness, fun, playfulness, awareness and all qualities that assist me in accepting love.

Be hopeful, for without hope there cannot be love.

Should I not admit to the presence of these egos within me I am living a lie for they are present, in some form or another, in each and every one of us. I may have difficulty recognising them for they are deceitful and will frequently pretend to be what they are not. If I do not do something to get rid of my egos then, by default, I support their existence and allow them domination.

I am now challenged to put the egos of the world away and in their place to live with love so that I may again be with my core being, my soul. The yearning to make this change is ever within me.

Whenever I have a thought other than love, I am encouraging an ego. Love is without ego, for if love had an ego it would no longer be love. My undertaking is to free myself of these disguises, veils, obsessions and addictions and once again reveal myself as a soul visitor to this planet rather than a being of the world. I need to practise by firstly observing, recognising and identifying an ego and then reject it: decimating, eradicating, exterminating and annihilating it. Giving up smoking or alcohol is not easy; giving up an ego is likewise a significant task. But I have help!

The one more powerful than the ego is love and love poured over an ego dissolves it. As I dissolve an ego in this manner I say "no" to desire, want, selfishness, each of my egos and then I leave space so that love may enter. With the death of an ego I am closer to my true being, closer to my spirit. All I have to do is decide that I would rather have love and then ask love to help. Search out the egos to be dissolved in this manner and keep dissolving them so that a huge shift in consciousness occurs. Call on love to come forth and consume all that is not love in and around my existence. Totally dissolve these unwanted nasties in all forms, their energy, their connections, their very fabric so that the prison I have built around myself crumbles and I am again free.

I do this in act, mind and deed to move out of confusion and into understanding. Love is the only remover of egos and love will always show me the way. To try to use anything other than love would be just be a different ego tricking me so that it may move into the vacated space and once there assume control. Dissolve in love, all thoughts and all forms of egos; dissolve within and without, in humility and with thanks. Likewise dissolve their relations, associated forms and energies. Be determined, decimate, eradicate, exterminate and annihilate them, together with their associates. If I do not do these things, they will grow in their determination to dominate my soul at the expense of the child within.

As I break out of their cycle I again live love. As I do these things lovingly and with thanks I receive hope and peace. Love is mightily stronger than all my egos and is the one and only weapon capable of dislodging them. Allow this free gift of love to remove my limitations to reveal beyond my expanse, beyond my current knowledge, beyond my present understanding, my current sight, feelings, emotions and thoughts so that a huge shift in consciousness occurs. Totally remove these parasites in all forms, within and without, together with their related energy and associations. Cast them off forever. By this action I reduce their ranks allowing love where I had previously rejected love. I do these things with humility, thanking love for the assistance while loving myself as I do so.

As I start to throw this excess baggage overboard, I lighten up and I become less shackled. I make space to again be free and spend more time in the presence of love. Beware though of the procrastinator, for my egos will always provide another question, they will always try to delay me and offer alternatives. Just let them know that the "Ego Buster" has arrived and the more I use it the better it works, remembering that every time I say "No" to an ego, then the space is there for love to be within. Remember, every time I dissolve and put aside an ego I am thankful.

"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.

MIP Old Timer

Status: Offline
Posts: 576


Maybe a bit off topic but it brings to mind some stuff that pops into my head now and again:

I used to buy booze at different stores each day so it didn't look (to the cashiers) like I drank so much.

When buying a lot of beer a few days in a row, I used to tell my neighborhood grocer that some buddies were over and drank all my beer.

I used to tell people that I'd gained weight because of my son- because I couldn't get so much time in swimming and running and training. (which is maybe pertially true, actually- but hardly the whole deal.)

I used to choose which restaurant to eat at by whether they served alcohol or not.

I used to judge a restaurant by how quickly they filled my drink order.

I used to regularly wake up in the morning and go take a tour around my pickup to see if I'd wrecked it.

I used to not drink three days in a row. then two. Then not before 5. Then not before three. then noon. Then it was okay to drink early on the weekend. And holidays.

Now I don't drink at all. Probably a good idea to sever that little progression. ;)


MIP Old Timer

Status: Offline
Posts: 541

Phil, Thanks for the great posting. Yes, ego has been the root of a lot of my problems, as stated. sure is difficult to let go of them....The "I want to have..." , the "I want to be..", the "I need to...", the " I won't be whole unless I ...". But what a relief/release it is when we can. Baggage is released and goes to the wayside. A very free feeling...Tim

"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
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