"Creation is ongoing. The world begins anew each day. This is the miracle that makes not a sound but which changes everything, if we can be quiet enough to feel it happen. When we can participate in this, we begin anew each day.
Consider how the sun washes the Earth with its heat and then clouds dissipate and grasses grow, and stones crumble when no one is looking to reveal a smoother, deeper face. It is the same with us. In a moment of realness, the clouds in our mind clear and our passion is restored, and our walls crumble when no one is looking. It all continues and refreshes if we let it. It all renews so subtly.
We think it is night that covers the world, but everything living is re-created in that mysterious moment of rest that blankets us all. And each time you blink, if you pause to let your heart flutter with nothing but air to flutter about, each time you open your eyes, you can begin again. It's true. This is the moment of resurrection, the opening of our eyes."
The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo (poet/cancer survivor) p.422
Welcome to MIP. And, thank you for a very wonderful post. It was great to read that today. I love to think of each day being a new beginning for the whole world and each and every one of us.
Take care,
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
St Francis also 'began again' every day, and there is a song - "morning has broken, like the first morning; blackbird has spoken, like the first bird,,, "
I am begin again every day too.
Good morning everyone!
Christ, whose human birth is celebrated today, is also 'born again' each moment in our hearts, if we let him Be.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time
Thank you, JugglerMoon, what a touching and beautiful exerp from the book. And welcme to MIP!
This is one I'll have to tape to my forehead. If I would remember this each and every morning, and chose to make each day all it can be, I imagine my days would be far better. It really is in the outlook that we begin each day, in all it's simplicity, that even the mundane become miracles, eh? Thanks so much, Chris
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."