I know that I haven't been on here long, but wanted to say thank you to each and everyone of u for making me feel welcome. Opps, sorry had a brian fart here, it'll come to me.
Ok here it goes, I met some great people on here who have touch my heart, in ways that is hard express so no point in thinkin about what to say.
This year I've lost my dad too, and right now I feel both parents are presence on the holidays. I've experience the gift of givin and well givin from my heart and appreciated it. I had some great people whom should how much they appreciate me
I work at Tim Horton's, the other nite I had one of the regulart costumers had me something that looked like just a plain piece of paper made in to a envolpe, didn't think nothing of it. Was gonna toss it.
Something hit me, told me not too. Looked into the envelope and it was a $100 bill, I felt so overwhelmed with surprise I expressed the appreciation to the customer. Just goes to show u that People do show appreciation and don't expect nothin from it.
Thankin my HP for blessing me with these gifts and my children and the AA family
Be safe and you experience the joys of the holidays like I have