Today's Power Word is a powerful healer and often a difficult task. Through surrendering what is painful we allow ourselves to work towards the most important goal - life without fear and restriction.
Often we hold on to disappointments, to situations and people that have hurt us, as a means of self-protection. Ultimately however, attachments like this repress us. Our Spirit can be suffocated by the thick walls we build. It is a real energy zapper to live a life of regrets and with fear of being hurt/failure etc. The weight of the walls we build is costly and affects our health on all levels.
Surrender what is obsolete and painful in your life. As one door closes, many more will open if you have faith in yourself and your Divine life plan. Know that this process is not a quick one, it has to be backed up with loving action and positive thoughts. You are restructuring your thought patterns and releasing emotions that will likely seem painful at first. The end result is worth the effort however.
Today's Exercise:
Choose a situation that has been weighing on you that you are ready to surrender. Pull the situation up and look at it. How has this effected you? What restrictions have you placed on yourself by carrying this? Why do you continue to be attached to it? Once you have been honest, reevaluate the situation again and turn it around. What positive lessons can your carry with you from the experience? Did it make you stronger? More empathetic? Focus on the positives you can take away with you, and envision yourself holding onto these and let the rest go with acceptance, gratitude and compassion. Reaffirm this through releasing the emotions surrounding it, cry, yell,write, or whatever you need to do to let it go, and then back it up with positive loving thoughts and action. When you are ready you will feel the release all the way through your being. You will feel lighter, stronger, and more confident.
I liken it to having surgery; it is uncomfortable, sometimes even painful, but results in better health and increased longevity. Spiritual and emotional "surgeries" are the same as all of our bodies effect each other. This action of release helps us to enjoy the full richness of our present life experience.
"Never argue with an idiot... They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience..."
THANK YOU WREN! That was very important for me to see and understand right now...Tim It's now a day after my above post and this is even sooo much more pertinent and comforting to read tonight. It relates so much to NOW in me. Thank you again Chris...Tim
-- Edited by timverton at 22:31, 2006-12-20
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."