I thought you where gonna tell us you got laid.... But that will work. I've got a good sponsor, but I've found that anyone, in or out of the program, I listen to or listens to me in an earnest conversation has 'sponsored' me, or I 'sponsored' them.
I needed to see this line again - "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." It's been coming up for me a lot the last few weeks. HOPE. I need to meditatie on that,, Step 11.
God did that to me about JOY for a while some time ago. I kept hearing and seeing things that said to be joyful, and that is really contrary to my upbringing, causing guilt and feeling strange to my normally depressed self.
Now I guess I'm realizing how much I don't succeed because I don't have hope to succeed. People without hope don't try,, why try if it is inevitably futile? I thought I had faith,,, but here it says faith is in things hoped for. So I am trying to be more open to possibilities than I've been. Like this meeting that is coming up. Hope that the conflict will be resolved - if I let go and let God, and keep a positive attitude.
love in recovery,
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time