"How much do we need to let go of?" a friend asked one day.
"I'm not certain," I replied, "but maybe everything."
Letting go is a spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical process, a sometimes mysterious metaphysical process of releasing to God and the Universe that which we are clinging to so tightly.
We let go of our grasp on people, outcomes, ideas, feelings, wants, needs, desires - everything. We let go of trying to control our progress in recovery. Yes, it's important to acknowledge and accept what we want and what we want to happen. But it's equally important to follow through by letting go.
Letting go is the action part of faith. It is a behavior that gives God and the Universe permission to send us what we're meant to have.
Letting go means we acknowledge that hanging on so tightly isn't helping to solve the problem, change the person, or get the outcome we desire. It isn't helping us. In fact, we learn that hanging on often blocks us from getting what we want and need.
Who are we to say that things aren't happening exactly as they need to happen?
There is magic in letting go. Sometimes we get what we want soon after we let go. Sometimes it takes longer. Sometimes the specific outcome we desire doesn't happen. Something better does.
Letting go sets us free and connects us to our Source.
Letting go creates the optimum environment for the best possible outcomes and solutions.
Today, I will relax. I will let go of that which is upsetting me the most. I will trust that by letting go, I have started the wheels in motion for things to work out in the best possible way.
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
wow! what a great thing to read first thing this morning. i could say a whole lot about this but that would be boring so im just gonna say thanks for posting it phil , i certainly needed to see it this morning.
Welcome to MIP. It's a great place to be with lots of great stuff to read and think about. I hope you'll come here often and let us know how it is going for you.
Take care,
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Seuss
Letting go is like willingness it was easier when I was new and desperate. When I was at the bottom of the dark hole and had forgotten the light it was easy to let go I couldn't fall any further. But now things are pretty good most of the time, there's an old AA saying if God is your copilot, the wrong person is flying the plane. But I forget how I got to where I am today, I think I did it on my own while in truth it was only by GODs grace that I've gotten the gift of recovery. Today I pray for willingness and the grace to let things go.
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching.
wow! That is a good one! Like that definition of letting go that was up a little while ago. Please , where is this from? I don't remember seeing it in my daily thought books before. But this really 'gets it'.
do your best and God does the rest, a step at a time