Was doing some reading, and SO SURPRISED to see you!!! YEAH! It sure has been a while, think of you almost everyday, and how the Board just was not the same without you.
So write, when you have a chance, and that trip to see you husband, life on life's terms, is not always what we want, but it is, just what it is, was so happy to see that it all did turn out ok, after all.
Also really enjoyed that Post, Angry Withdrawal, interesting, I thought, cause it mentioned Peace at any cost, and I thought somehow that was a good thing, when my only goal really is Peace of Mind, what I think is disturbing to me, is always wrong thinking, just a case of mistaken identity or something. Just went through some very upsetting stuff in my life, with my family, and could feel the stress of this upset, almost getting to me again, it showed up, when I could not sleep well, and then when I could see with a lot of Prayer, that it was my own ego's stuff, just let it go, simply gave it all up to God, now all is well, back to feeling centered in my life, we are Powerless over everything outside of our own skin, and our own personal life.
Have been doing a lot of listening to some cherished tapes I listen to, twice or three time a years, the Obstacles to Peace. So Powerful, and so Peace producing. Nothing can top a sense of Peace of mind, at least not to me.
I would love to tell you about some stuff going on in my life, and I will later in a Private Message.
Just so darn happy to see you here, have this big smile on my face, and hope that all is o.k. with you, and that your struggles are lessened.