you know when you believe what your head tells you, you know it that your no good, it sticks dont it, I was gob smacked yesterday, as you know im at uni, i got my 1st assignment back yesterday. this is the first acedemic writing I have done on 6 years plus active alcoholism in that time as well, I got a "B" that blew my mind, I only got like "D's" at school. well well.
seems we are not as thick as people like to make out.
I think it's a fairly common tendency among us alkies, to think that we don't have what it takes. Makes it pretty easy to say "Oh well, why try? Might as well just be a drunk loser."
Beating back that nasty beastie alcoholism can do wonders for opening our eyes to the fact that we have incredibly more potential than what we credit ourselves!