Hi everyone. I'm new to the board, and have been sober/clean for 5 years. Was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and not sure how to go about treating it. I see from past posts here that some others face the same decision. I was hoping you'd share your expeirence and solution with me. How do people in recovery treat medical problems that most people would take prescriptions for? Do you take meds and try to stay cloes to the program? Try to deal with symptoms by other means? I don't know where to go from here so I thought I'd 'put out my hand'.
hi, this is how i deal with my medical stuff. i have a "recovery" doctor meaning she is knowledgable about the program and addiction, my meds are in what is know as a bubble pack. 2 weeks worth at a time, it can be less or more. very closely monitored which i like. and like phil trying to do without the meds proved disasterous. i listen to my doctor, and when someone in the program wants to criticize i ask if they have a medical decree and if not shut up.