Hi, I'm 20 years old and this is my first post here, and I'm not even sure whether I'm techincally an alcoholic or not.
I'll try and explain when, how and why I drink and then let you make comment.
When I drink? This is usually under one of two conditions. Either when I'm out with my friends or the other times is when I'm relaxing at home by myself.
I think I should probably state that I don't see the point in only having 1 or 2 drinks. Also, I'd say that when I'm drinking, it's always in the back of my mind that I want to eat before I go to bed.
How I drink? This again depends on whether it's with friends or by myself. With friends it can start with beers and lead to shots. By myself I'll usually stick to beer. If I'm drinking by myself I'll usually eat snacks along with my beer.
Why I drink? I'm not entirely sure about this. If it's with friends, then it's about keeping up with everyone else and just 'letting go'. If I drink by myself it's because I'm: bored; depressed; stressed...etc
If I'm honest, my drinking behaviour around my friends doesn't worry me because everyone else is doing the same thing. It's when I drink by myself that makes me think I have a problem. Ever since I can remember my Dad, has had the same drinking pattern that I have now, when I drink by myself.
He'd usually have a couple of pints at the pub after work before coming home. Before/during dinner he has 4-6 cans and/or wine. A couple of hours after drinking he'd fall asleep/ pass out(?) on the couch.
I don't blame my dad because up until a couple of years ago I hardly ever drank, and when I did it wasn't with any goal in mind other than to have a good time.
Anyway, I've talked enough. Please tell me what your thoughts are
I know that this might not qualify as alcoholic behaviour to you, but I always have withdrawal symptoms if I try and go more than 4/5 days without drinking.
This probably looks like typical university student drinking patterns, but what concerns me is that I'm doing it by myself and I always feel guilt the morning after.
In most of the AA meetings, there are questionaires that have 20 questions. It is a very big help to some that are struggling with do I, or do I not have a problem.
One thing that I would say is that most people that do not have a drinking "problem", they do not wonder about this question, maybe some do, I am not really sure of that, as I am definitely an Alcoholic.
I would also, if you are willing, look up AA in your local telephone directory, they could tell you where some meetings are in your area. And maybe actually going, and listening to others, and talking about this question, might help you find the answer to this question that appears to be really "on your mind.
Hope this helps, and also wanted to say, WELCOME, if you think you have a problem with Alcohol you have definitely come to one of the right places. The other choice would be to go to an AA meeting. People that attend these meetings are very warm, and friendly, so no need to be fearful.
Look forward to hearing from you again.
P.S. There is a general consensus, that only you can determine if you are or if you are not an Alcoholic, I think that questionaire might really help you get those answers.
I knew I had a problem when I was 20....but couldnt phathom the thought of not drinking....I mean hell..it was a part of life right?
Kinda was addicted to the stuff tho....and one or two...just didnt cut it....every time I drank, I didnt set out to get blitzed....but most of the time...thats what happened...couldnt stop..didnt wanna...
and the rest of the story isnt a good one...
and most of it was a road that went from one stage of alcoholism to the next...
Was married to the stuff...
You know the term? "till death do us part?" It almost happened...
Got a kid thats 24....hes been sober for 2 and a half years...He shared with me a short time ago ...that he figures he's saving 10 grand a year..:) ...and his girfreind doesnt hafta pick him up off the floor...and drive him home....every night....
Then again.....hes had quite a few..that didnt stick around, long either..:) when he was blitzed...
All the best to yu...
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
My sponsor tells me it's not what, when or how much I drank, it was how I felt about it the next day.........Oh! The guilt I had......
Alcoholic summed up: Thoughts at 4am
If I am an alocholic I shouldn't drink - If I am not an alcoholic I don't need to.
People who aren't alcoholics dont lie in bed at 4am wondering if they are alcoholics
What's an Alcoholic?
A man goes into a bar - big notice on the wall "All you can drink for $5" - I'll have $10 worth he says. - Thats an Alcoholic
"Most things can be preserved in Alcohol, dignity however is not one of them"
"I drank for happiness and became unhappy. I drank for joy and became miserable. I drank for sociability and became argumentative. I drank for sophistication and became obnoxious. I drank for friendship and made enemies. I drank for sleep and woke up tired. I drank for strength and felt weak. I drank fo relaxation and got the shakes. I drank for courage and became afraid. I drank for confidence and became doubtful. I drank to make conversation easier and slurred my speech. I drank to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell." ~ unknown
-- Edited by Doll at 22:22, 2006-10-29
-- Edited by Doll at 22:29, 2006-10-29
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
P.S. There is a general consensus, that only you can determine if you are or if you are not an Alcoholic, I think that questionaire might really help you get those answers.
-- Edited by toni baloney at 21:23, 2006-10-29
I just wanted to say thanks for the replies so far.
Toni, I read the 20 questions and there were only 2 that I could definitley say yes to. However, there were quite a few that I was borderline on as well. So there is probably a high chance that I have a problem.
In a way it's strange to me, because one of my closest friends can drink a hell of a lot more than I can (and regularly does) but he never seems to worry or feel guilty about it.
thats pretty much how i was thinking when i was 21, i went to a meeting and my impression was whoa what a bunch of low life scary looking alcoholics. i walked out thinking i had a lot of the symptoms and would come back there when i was a full blown alcoholic. amazing how much of a beating i took and came back when i was 28 ...please listen to that little voice in your head that is worring about your drinking, its trying to save you some pain. just my two cents worth.