A pilot had turned off his radio in order to elude the enemy, but as he came across the channel, he turned it on again and began turning the dial to find the proper frequency, which changed from time to time. His plane was almost out of petrol, and he was terrified of what might happen if he ran out and did not find his way precisely toward the goal he was seeking. As he twiddled the dial, he broke out in perspiration. Finally, he caught a faint signal and adjusted the dial. The signal came in strong and clear. He changed his flight path onto the signal and landed safely at his airport. We're all trying to do that in life. We're trying to pick up those signals that tell us who we are, what direction we ought to be headed, and where home is. As we fiddle with the dial and adjust the signal receiver in our lives, we begin to hear in the stillness and the quietness a voice telling us where home is. We are able to readjust our patterns and head homeward. That's the promise of the text. If we will be still, we will know that God is God; we will know which way to go toward God. --John Killinger
Ahhh yes...Listening to those directions to keep us safe. I just have to watch out for the phantom transmissions that come along from time to time. Thank you Cam...Tim
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."