I am so exhausted, my sleep pattern and eating pattern and thinking pattern and every pattern there is, or was, to my life, is now in complete upheaval.....
gonna take me awhile to get used to this new routine...
the old man is a little whacked too.. it's a big change for him too, my being in an accelerated program at school now. EAT, SLEEP, BREATHE.... SCHOOL.
I knew it would be hard as hell, and i am really grateful for the opportunity, but MAN!!! I can't wait til I get on some sort of schedule... with sleeping and eating and such.... I am exhausted, can't sleep when I want, and then want to sleep when I can't.... HOW can I "'EASY DOES IT" my way through this one, huh??
I did go to 3 meetings last week, and three planned for this week....
I don't know if you have children Joni, but I recall how it was for my first wife. It was uncomfortable, miserable sometimes (we both quit smoking then and only I started again after the birth of our son), sleeping, especially towards the end, was a real witch when she could, and on..... But the end result??? Well, maybe just keep somewhere in mind what the end result will be for you and know that the day to day progress you're making is all worth it. Good fortune to you!...Tim
"We posess the eyes through which the universe gazes with wonder upon its own majesty."
No, I don't have any kids.... well,,, accept for a cat, a dog, a HUSBAND LOLOL, and two child-like 'issues' including alcoholism, that cling to my ankles like children waiting to be taken to kindergarten (meetings...)
What has helped me this morning, amongst hours of studying, is to recognize that there are women right along side me in my classes who WORK right now, and also have a HOUSE FULL of KIDS!!!!
makes my situation seem pretty managable and do-able. Thanks for the reminder!!
It is just going to take some adjustment, that's all... and lots of serenty-prayering!!
Sounds like things are moving along pretty quickly for ya. I have faith that you can make it through this sober and more educated for that matter! lol
Hang in there bud!
I don't know what kind of schedule you are on right now. After a while it will become easier. One thing I've heard is that happy people get B's. Take that one or dispose of it!
Take care, alrighty?
Oh yeah! ps. Just because you are whacked doesn't make you unique! We're all whacked! hahahahaah. Some more than others!
hi joni ...sounds like you have quite a hectic lifestyle .hopefully you will reep the rewards later .its always good when someone reminds us how lucky we are when we are streched to the limit and stressed fit to burst ..not..but in reality theres many that would delight in only having our problems and if we take five to just sit and get a proper vieu of things it often so
i am only two weeks sober and every little thing seems like a mountain and the 12 steps seem like a sheer rock face ...so i get by on the first line of ..just for today ...not 12 steps but just 12 words ..its enough for me right now ..just for today i will try to live through this day only.
always a virtual cup of tea on hand here so stop and say hi