there is a story about the alcoholic being like a guy that falls into a rushing river clutching a boulder to his chest. the people who are trying to save him from drowning are running along the bank screaming at him to drop the boulder. finally he does and is pulled out of the water, when asked why he held on to the boulder for so long he replys "i was holding a boulder?" in my own life, when it gets hard sometimes i can see it's often something i am not letting go of. sometimes i get beat up pretty bad before i concede defeat and let go. god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference.
There are 2 kinds of pride: false pride which won't let me admit that I may need help with a problem in my life, and true pride-- respect for others while yet retaining a quiet personal dignity for myself which I won't loose simply by asking another/others to help with something that is bigger than I can carry alone.
There are 2 types of humility: feeling shame, remorse, guilt--feeling worthless(worth less than others), and true humility--realizing that I am worth no MORE than, but also no LESS than anyone else.
HMMMMMM.........the second of each of these seem quite similar...........
I like that 'perfectionism' is not mentioned in the description of humility. Perfectionism implies I think I am CAPABLE of perfection, which is not humility at all. Thus, I ask for help, recognize what I am and what I am not, and accept the ME that I am.
Long time since I've been hear and when I do stop by - I see my favorite topic - humility. In my opinion, the goal is to have a strong sense of humility to help recovery.
The comments already posted have said just about everything needed to be said, but I'll throw in my two cents in anyway.
Humility to me is not thinking less of ourselves - but rather thinking about ourselves less
And most importantly it is a sense of experience. Experience is our best teacher. And with humility we can be both - students and teachers. The ability to share and the ability to learn...