Blame and Denial Blaming others for any set of consequences usually constitutes Denial. Denial keeps all addicts in their addictions. Defense Mechanisms
Rationalizing - I don't drink/use every day, I don't have a problem.
Minimizing - I don't drink/use half of what Sam drinks.
Cockiness - I got it made, these other folks are losers.
Justifying - If you had a wife/husband like mine, you would drink/use too.
Projecting - You always manipulate to get what you want.
Blaming - You drove me to drink/use. It is my job stress.
Humor - This isn't serious. Life is a joke.
Intellectualizing - Research shows I'm probably not an alcoholic/addict.
Lying - I only had a couple of beers, maybe three.
Manipulation - If you quit bitching, I'll quit drinking/using.
Accusing - Your fooling around keeps me drinking/using.
Threatening - Get off my back or you will be sorry!
Judging - If you did this or that right, things wouldn't be so bad.
Explaining - Oh, I drink/use because I . . .
Analyzing - I started drinking more because of ____, it will slow down later.
Arguing - I'm not an alcoholic, I've never gotten a DWI or . . .
Defiance - I dare you to prove that I'm an alcoholic/addict.
Withdrawing - If I don't do or say anything, they will leave me alone.
Shouting - Leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it!
Silence -
Smiling - Just laugh it off. Nervous smile.
Compliance - I just do and say what they want.
"LOVE" devoid of self-gratification, is in essence, the will, to the greatest good...of another.
I am using a lot of these, not to drink, but to be a BITCH sometimes here at home.... yeeeks... thanks for calling me on my crap, without even knowing it!!!