I made if off the couch...........2nd step, I made it into work, I'm not happy about it, but I'm here........ya'll pray my "punishment will fit the crime" and they won't want to give me the death penalty. My boss will be here in a hour. I'm soooooo nervous.........thanks for all the love and support.........keep them prayers coming, eh?
Love you all........
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Well, no death penalty. My absence resulted in a write up which will be on my record for one year and will result in a small decrease in my next raise. I can live with that............Now, I'm wondering where the heck MY cat is......Came home, she's not on the porch, but a BLACK one is and there's a pup out in the yard........gggeeeeezzzeeee........what now..........this isn't funny..........hmmm.............thanks all, again, for the support.......feeling some better (excepet for missing Itty Bitty )
Hooray! Itty Bitty came back.......someone claimed the pup and my son took the black cat to his dad's............ I'm feeling better......... I have learned a very valuable lesson these past few days, no matter what, along with don't drink is go to WORK, even if my ass falls off
-- Edited by Doll at 19:53, 2006-10-03
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain.